How to catch a house intruder in Life Is Strange: Double Impact

You knew something strange was going on at Caledon University. Max traveled between two timelines, not to mention that weird shot of Max pointing a gun at Sophie. But at the end of the third chapter, Life is Strange: Double Exposure moves things in an even weirder direction.


Life Is Strange: Double Impact – Should Sophie be told about the ban or help Lucas?

Tell Sophie unpleasant information and risk the wrath of Lucas? Or pity both their feelings? It's a tough choice.

As the episode draws to a close, Max returns home to find it someone broke into her house. There is glass on the floor and her souvenirs and furniture from Arcadia Bay have been looted. And when she approaches her dark room to find the culprit, it turns out that the man responsible for the break-in and infiltration is… familiar.

Chasing Max's doppelgänger

Max looks at a fallen tree crossing a ravine in Life is Strange Double Exposure

Once the Other Max escapes from your house, she will lead you on a chase through the snow. The first real obstacle comes when Other Max stumbles upon a tree bridge but sends it tumbling into the ravine as soon as it reaches the other side.

Max looking at the portal to the dead world in Life is an amazing double exposure

Fortunately, you have access to another wooden bridge over another ravine. Turn around and you should see blue flashing lights signaling the Dead World exchange point is just behind you. Switch, then cross the intact bridge.

Max pulses to see traces of the Living World in Life is Strange Double Exposure

There is no road to the Living World on the other side of the log. Use Max instead Pulse the ability to see a doppelgänger footprints in the snow. Keep an eye on them, pulsing occasionally to make them reappear.

When Max says, “How do I know which way?” the pulsation will tell you which answer: is correct.

Keep pulsing and following until you reach a crack in the wall. Zoom in and a cutscene will start when Max squeezes through. Once you're on the other side, you'll see this bridge:

Max looking at the covered bridge in the dead world in Life is an amazing double exposure

Look to the right to find a portal to the Living World and use it. Once you reach the other side, you'll be ready to meet your doppelgänger under the bridge.


Life Is Strange: Double Exposure – How to explore the observatory

How do you get around the cop and get to the top of the hill?

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