Key conclusions
- The Ginyu Force, Frieza's elite unit, is the strongest in his army, second only to Frieza himself.
- Handpicked by Frieza, each member has unique strengths that make them a great team.
- Their individual power levels vary, but collectively they pose a significant threat to Goku and his allies.
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Who are the members of the Ginyu Force?
How strong is Ginyu's power?
In his prime, the tyrant Frieza commands a vast army under the banner of his Planetary Trade Organization. His army is made up of different species from different planets, each boasting excellent fighting power. He even recruited powerful Saiyan warriors like Raditz and Vegeta.
However, this impressive organization has a team that is ahead of other warriors by days. They are called the Ginyu Force. They are Frieza's pride and joy. How strong is Ginyu's power really?

Dragon Ball: the fall of the Saiyan race, an explanation
The Saiyans were once some of the most feared fighters in the universe. So how did things go so badly for the warrior race?
What is the Guinew force?
Before we get into the power of the Ginyu Force, both individually and as a team, let's first talk about who they are. After all, although they are quite famous among Dragon Ball fans, some casual viewers may not know who they are.
A team of super-elite warriors
As mentioned earlier, to support his massive planet-conquering business, Frieza employs countless powerful soldiers to help him find new planets, kill the inhabitants, and either drain the planet of its resources or sell the planet to the highest bidder. These soldiers are known throughout the universe as Frieza's Forces.
Of the countless members of Frieza's Force, the most elite of them belong to a group known as the Ginyu Force. In terms of strength, they are inferior only to Frieza, which is why they are directly subordinate to him. They only undertake missions that other members of Frieza's Force deem impossible.
“M-Master Frieza, w-why the Ginyu Special Squad? I'm afraid you'll think I'm insolent, but I don't think there's any need to call them!”
– Zarbon, Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 70
They are actually freelancers
The vast majority of Frieza's Force are humans whose planets were conquered by Frieza. Before destroying or colonizing any planet, Tyrant offers the planet's strongest warriors the opportunity to work for him. If they obey, they will join Frieza's forces. If they refuse, Frieza will kill them.
Ginyu's power is different. Rather than forced labor like the rest of Frieza's Force, members of Ginyu's Force are more like freelancers who are paid to complete certain tasks. One thing is certain, only those whose strength is recognized by Frieza himself can be members of the Ginyu Force.
Who are the members of the Ginyu Force?
The elite and highly respected Ginyu force consists of five members, and we see them for the first time on the planet Namek. It's Guldo, Recum, Burter, Jace, the vice-captain, and the captain himself, Ginyu.
Captain Ginyu
Despite his status as a villain, Ginyu actually possesses quite a few heroic qualities. He is a fair leader, kind but strict with his members. And unlike his boss Frieza, Ginyu actually has a deep sense of honor, especially during battle. He doesn't like to fight unarmed or injured opponents or fight just to hurt other people.
He is also very obsessed with adopting what he thinks are magnificent fighting poses. In fact, he is responsible for creating the team poses and will be very displeased if the members take the wrong pose. In addition, he will also be visibly upset whenever someone makes fun of their poses. In addition to his excellent fighting ability, Ginyu has the ability to change bodies.
Although Jace is the second-in-command of Ginyu's squad, he is no different from Captain Ginyu. While they both share the same passion for looking sharp and cool, their attitudes to combat are vastly different.
Jeice is not one to shy away from using dirty tactics to gain an advantage in battle. He will even attack his opponent from behind and is happy to damage unarmed or wounded opponents. However, the moment he realizes that his opponent is stronger than him, he will fight like a coward. Jace is the Ki Blast master of the group.
When it comes to members of the Ginyu Force who are far from their captain, Berter has to be at the top of the list. Unlike Guinew, Berter is incredibly cocky. He is the kind of person who looks down on his opponents and will use any trick to win. He is also extremely proud and narcissistic.
Berter is the tallest and largest member of the Ginyu Force. Interestingly, despite his brute force and arrogant nature, Berter takes on the role of the group's strategist in Guineau's absence. So there's a decent tactical brain under those layers of brawn and arrogance. Berter's most outstanding ability is his speed. He is the self-proclaimed fastest man in the universe.
Recoome is the brightest member of the group. He's even more obsessed than Captain Ginyu when it comes to striking a pose and looking cool. He is also the least serious member of the group and has a tendency to fool around and make silly jokes even during battle.
However, behind his joking nature, Recum is actually the most ruthless member of the force, even borderline sadistic. He will do whatever it takes to torment his opponents and find joy in their pain. Recoome's greatest quality is his strength and endurance.
One look at Guldo and you can safely assume he's the odd one out of the bunch. He is short, chubby, and has almost no strength in his body to defend himself. Not only that, he is also a coward through and through.
He talks a lot when he's with his team, but when he's in a one-on-one situation, the first thing he'll do is try to run away from the fight. The only reason he is part of the Ginyu Force is because he has an extremely rare psychic ability. Guldo can stop time for as long as he can stop breathing, and also has a pretty powerful telekinetic ability.

The most dangerous villain in Dragon Ball Super
“Planet Eater” Moro is one of Dragon Ball's most dangerous villains. That's what makes him such a threat.
How strong is Ginyu's power?
The previous chapters talked about the Ginyu Force, its members and what they are capable of. But when it comes to martial arts, how strong are they really? Well, the answer is quite simple. They are the most powerful people in Frieza's organization.
The strongest under the tyrant
We briefly touched on the fact that the vast majority of Frieza's powers come from those whose planets were conquered by Frieza. The exception is the Ginyu force, which is similar to freelancers rather than direct employees like the rest of Frieza's forces.
So how can they be freelancers and others must be in forced labor? The answer is that Frieza lets them. In fact, every member of the Ginyu Force was selected by Frieza herself. The only reason he chose them was simply because the Tyrant recognized their power. In a way, they are Frieza's strongest and most trusted warriors. This is why they are feared and admired in Frieza's organization. That fact alone should tell you how powerful they are.
“Listen, you idiot! Every member of the Ginyu Force is about the same… No, they might be stronger than me! And there are five of them!”
– Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z Chapter 77
Injuring Goku, toying with Vegeta
The greatest display of the power of the Ginyu Force is their fight against Goku, Vegeta, and the other Z fighters on the planet Namek. When Ginyu's power first appeared on screen, Vegeta was clearly afraid of them. Vegeta even reluctantly admitted to Krillin and Gohan that they were a level above him in terms of combat prowess.
Forget all of Ginyu's powers, Vegeta was basically hopeless against Rekum, and Gohan and Krillin were nearly killed by Guldo. Even Goku fought Ginyu, especially when the captain used his special powers. So, as you can see, they are very powerful indeed.
Yes, Goku and the others eventually defeat them, and Frieza himself is far stronger than all of the Ginyu Force, but that doesn't negate the fact that they are stronger than the vast majority of their peers.
The difference in power between the participants
While Ginyu's Powers are collectively stronger than everyone else in Frieza's Powers, things get a little more complicated when you consider their individual prowess. Ginyu and Recum are excellent melee fighters, while Jace and Burter are specialists who will do well in the right situations.
Guldo, on the other hand, is the glass cannon of the team. Under the right circumstances, he can easily destroy his opponents with his psychic abilities, but he does not have the physical strength to stand up to those who can break free of his psychic powers. These differences in power between the members are the reason why they are so effective and versatile as a team, but individual combat results can vary greatly.
In a way, one of the reasons why Goku and the Z Fighters can defeat the Ginyu Force is because they fight them one after the other. If the Ginyu Powers had fought Goku together in a 5 vs 1 situation, the outcome might have been different. Unfortunately for them, they are too arrogant and prideful to use this strategy. Ultimately, it is this arrogance that brings down the most powerful warriors in Frieza's Force.3
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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation and a sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball series. It continues the adventures of Son Goku as an adult, and parallels the life of his son Gohan. Son Goku usually defends the Earth against villains like Vegeta, Frieza, Kall, and Majin Buu. The series is followed by Dragon Ball GT and then Dragon Ball Super.
- Release date
- April 26, 1989
- Seasons
- 9
- Writers
- Akira Toriyama, Takao Koyama
- Creator(s)
- Akira Toriyama

Dragon Ball: How Gohan and Trunks Are Different From Pure Saiyans
Although they are all Saiyans, there is a fundamental difference between Goku, Vegeta and their children