How map icons work in Path of Exile 2

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Path of exile 2 there are several acts you must complete, each with its own map filled with icons to find. Your map will be central to fast-traveling through multiple areas at once, although icons on the map can be of great help in finding additional content.

Each area you visit will usually be related to a main quest, but there will still be plenty of extra content worth completing. Here's what each map icon means and how to visit the different icons on the map.


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All map icons in Path of Exile 2

Map icon



Current location icon

Current location

Appears over the area the player is currently in.

City icon

The town

The location of the nodal town in the district.

Location unknown icon

Unknown area

An area you haven't visited at all.

Icon of the visited location

Visited territory

Area visited without waypoint.

An area with an inactive waypoint icon

An area with an inactive waypoint

Area visited, but waypoint not found.

Area with active waypoint icon

Area with an active waypoint

An area with an active waypoint that will be your fast travel destination.

Quest location icon

Quest location

Main or side quest location.

Travel destination icon


A place you can travel to from the map.

Rare monster encounter icon

A rare monster encounter

A powerful enemy with a yellow name is in this area.

A rare monster with Barya's gin

A rare monster encounter with Jean Barya

A powerful enemy with a yellow name is found in this area that drops dominant items.

Boss icon

Meeting with the boss

The boss is somewhere in the area.

Boss with an upgrade icon

Boss Encounter with an upgrade

Somewhere in this area is a boss that will drop a quest item used for upgrades.

Boss icon with Barya genie

Boss meeting with Jean Barya

Somewhere in this area is a boss that will drop an exaltation item.

Boss icon

Meeting with the boss

The final boss of this action is in this area.

A great chest icon

A prominent chest

A rare chest with powerful loot is found in this area.

Featured item icon

A prominent subject

A rare item is found somewhere in this area.


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How map icons work in Path of Exile 2

The player hovering over the boss icon on the map

If you want to find an icon, such as a boss encounter, you'll need to go to the area that icon is attached to. Traveling there will create an instance and randomly generate the location of the reason for this icon somewhere in this instance. Due to the random nature of the cards in the game, there will almost always be some level of exploration to find the reason for the icon.

There will also be icons unique to certain side quests that indicate where you need to go to complete that quest. The small yellow cave icon above the waypoint also indicates a dungeon rather than a more open area.

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