Hades 2: How to get the darkness

Darkness is a resource that returns Hades 2and anyone who has played the first many times Hades the game recognizes it immediately. Of course, it is much less common in Hades 2 in general, especially with all the new materials, reagents, and resources that Melino has to collect for her spells and general improvements.


One Hades 2 Keepsake turns the underworld into a ghost town

As the world and challenges of Hades 2 grow, one new Keepsake helps Melinoe a lot by turning some places into ghost towns.

Also, it serves a much smaller purpose in this game than it did in the original. In the original hades, Zagrei used Darkness to enhance almost all of his abilities, and it was almost always in demand no matter how many hours you put into the game. U Hades 2Darkness is used in a few specific spells, and that's really it. However, it's worth knowing exactly how you're going to get Darkness in Early Access Hades 2 and how you can do it reliably.

Updated on November 1, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: It's Halloween at the time of writing this update, and given how creepy the overall vibe of Hades 2 is, it seemed like a good time to check this guide out again. Hades 2 has a ton of different resources that you'll need to collect, mine, farm, and mine in order to complete. In fact, almost every unlock in the game requires Melinoe to pull weeds to create them. Darkness is definitely one of the rarest resources in the game, which may surprise fans of the original Hades considering how often Darkness was used as a resource in that game. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at exactly how this resource works in Hades 2, what it's used for, how to make it appear, and more.

Where to find darkness

You have to embrace the chaos to find it

I will quickly repeat, first Hades you can find Darkness almost anywhere but in Hades 2 this resource has been completely transferred to the Realm of Chaos. Logically, this makes sense given that Nyx, the personification of night and darkness, is now in the hands of Chronos during the events Hades 2.

However, Melinoe will need some Darkness to get stronger, specifically she needs 3x Darkness to get the 30th and final Arcana point. But for the Darkness to appear as a resource at all, players will need to develop their game until they unlock the ability to spawn Chaos Gates in their travels through Erebus, Ocean, etc.

Once you have the ability to both find and access these Chaos Gates, you'll want to take all the Chaos Gates you find. Once there, talk to Chaos (and take their goodies). After all, talking to them is enoughChaos will simply give you one Darkness for free at the end of one of your conversations with them and mention that the resource is much more scarce at the moment. After this happens, every time you descend into a Chaos Lair, there's a chance that there will be a “chunk” of Darkness lying around ready to be grabbed. Again, this is just a matter of chance, and not every run will have a Gate of Chaos spawn, but thankfully this resource is barely used, so the inconvenience doesn't seem too egregious.

Farm darkness

Do you really need to?

With most materials, resources and reagents Hades 2there's usually some way to farm them fairly reliably, or at least a way to harvest them efficiently given the time involved.

However, there is no real “method” to growing darkness in darkness Hades 2, outside just take all the Gates of Chaos you see and hope you get lucky and find the Darkness inside.

Most of the other late game Materials can be bought from the Wretched Broker for a (frankly absurd) amount of Bones, such as spending 1000 on just one Nightmare, but Darkness is surprisingly not one of the Materials that can be purchased here.

Also, if it's not clear yet, Darkness will not appear in Chaos Lair every time, it depends on RNG. Thus. it's a real “coin flip” every time you get even one Darkness or not in the series. Fortunately, there are very few recipes that require Darkness to complete, so you won't necessarily need many recipes, at least in the current early access state the game is in. Fortunately, using the game's recent (at the time of this writing) Olympic Update as a reference, it's very likely that Darkness will remain an incredibly rarely used resource. However, this is just speculation, it is just as likely that Supergiant Games will add more spells or recipes that require Darkness, but they will probably also increase the methods of obtaining Darkness. After all, Melinoë is not just another version of Zagray, but Hades 2 doesn't seem to be “just” anymore Hades gameplay.



May 6, 2024

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