Ubisoft is known for its Open World Liteons, with these sandy boxes present in most of its names. While most people complain that these headlines feel swollen and full of down -to -earth content, some of their headlines are noticeably shorter.

8 best Tencent studios invested in
For many years, Tencent has left the video game industry, putting in various high -profile developers.
These open world games are convincing in itself and can be very fun to play. Until the players expect an epic adventure, they must be more than satisfied with the study of these worlds and find out the best way to fight every obstacle.
All the time games are taken from the main story on howlongtobeat.
Freedom Assassin's Cred Cry
Completion time: 4 hours
Freedom Assassin's Cred Cry
The action-served
- Liberated
November 17, 2013
Players who want to check out a great adventure set in the world Crared Assassin's 4 will be an explosion with Liberty. It may be the shortest Simpoms killer The game is around, but it's not necessarily bad.
ADEWALE-Central protagonist who finds himself detained in St. Domining, where he testifies to some barbaric slaves that are difficult to justify. For players, this is a commendable goal to try to break this trade in any necessary ways, releasing several innocent people in this process.
Far Cry 3: Bloody Dragon
Completion time: 4.5 hours

Control Rex “Power” Colt In Far Cry 3: Bloody Dragon This is an explosion. Players like to interact with the bright neon world Bloody dragon When they participate in some adventures that do not exceed their greetings.
Players can spend as much time as they want on this island when they love views, but they should keep in mind that the main path is not the longest. This makes it easy to spend this game in no time when players relate to their approach.
Symbol killer: bloody lines
Completion time: 6 hours

- Liberated
November 17, 2009
Symbol killer: bloody lines This is a PSP game that embodies most of the series formula and translates it quite competently on this legendary pocket console. Players looking for a game -size game that they offer will have a great time with this headline.

8 The most exciting games Assassin's Creed that rank
Creed Assassin is famous for its ability to recreate historical settings, and some records are truly succeeded in immersing players in another era.
Altara's adventures on Cyprus may be too common to some people's sympathy, but players who want to enjoy simple combat and classic Simpoms killer The platform will have a great time with Blood lines.
Creed Assassin 3: Release
Completion time: 8 hours
The action-served
Open world
- Liberated
October 30, 2012
Spinaf the third game that brings some unique ideas to the table. Simpoms killer It should boast that for the first time in the series for the first time in the series allow players to manage the protagonist. It also allows players to wear three different characters for the main character Aveline.
It can either wear Assassin devices with all the benefits it offers to wear a slave to access certain areas through less weapons, or dress as a lady to ease the guards, but lose all its abilities. This mechanic had some interesting applications, even if some players considered the stimulus without their tools, when they were driven by guards who could destroy Aveline if she had no many options for the fight.
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Completion time: 10.5 hours
- Liberated
November 11, 2014
- Opencritic rating
Assassin's Creed Rogue This is a unique series game that allows players to join The Templars work against the Assassin order. This is refreshing to take over the formula that has become unchanged, taking over the strongest aspects Black flagGameplay with great effect.
The game was very short, and its length was the main criticism for many people. However players who do not mind check the short but sweet Simpoms killer Adventures will have a great time with As.
Far away crying new Dawn
Completion time: 11 hours

- Liberated
February 15, 2019
- Opencritic rating
Far Cry 5 Was a step in the right direction for the series, even if the ending was too nuclear for the tastes of most people. Such a conclusion was built in New dawnAllowing players to explore the county of Hope after this apocalypse, which looks more different than if it used to.

5 Excellent RPG action you can no longer buy
Role games in action are very fun and tell interesting stories, but unfortunately some you can no longer buy. Here are some of them.
While lack of innovation in New dawnThe gameplay, combined with the similarity with the previous record, did not sit with many, fans can find this game more enjoyable for the game recently. Lack of innovation aside, solid gameplay and stealth are attractive enough to play this game in a long course.
Completion time: 12 hours

- Liberated
December 2, 2016.
- Opencritic rating
Steep is one of the most unique open world games made by Ubisoft, which allows players to play several extreme sports in the Alps. Winter setting is great to see and players will love a large number of activities they have.
Becoming a final legend in each sport may seem terrible, but players with a one -time mind can achieve this in a record time. However, the beautiful open world will make most people take the sights and make progress at a slow pace, which is nice for obvious reasons.
Far away the cry of primary
Completion time: 15 hours
- Liberated
February 23, 2016
- Opencritic rating
Far away the cry of primary This is a unique reception of this established formula that fans can check that they are not missed in a great Gunplay series. The prehistoric situation guarantees that players will spend more time for the domestication of the beasts and rely on archaic weapons to make work against their enemies, which creates a convincing gameplay.
This is not the shortest game around, but players who make Beeline for the end can complete this game pretty quickly. If people want to spend time domesticated and hone their skills, then you may need more time to be satisfied with their progress before continuing the main story.

5 most popular Ubisoft games
These are the most titles that can be beaten into the Ubisoft directory.