We've known that Five Nights at Freddy's 2 was in development for a while now, but we haven't seen anything about it.
That just changed thanks to some alleged set photos that leaked and showed the pizzeria's sign, which will continue.
The sign is even more derelict than the first film's location, suggesting that the game was a prequel.
The first leaks for Five Nights at Freddy's 2 have started making the rounds online, and show a rather run-down version of the pizzeria from the sequel, complete with images of Freddy the Toy, Bonnie and Chica.
Considering that the sequel to Five Nights at Freddy's was confirmed a while ago for a December 5, 2025 release, it's surprising that we haven't seen too much of it yet. We know it will adapt the story of the second game and include Toy animatronics, as confirmed by the first poster, but other than that, we're left in the dark like 5:55 on Custom Night.

Are we really surprised that Five Nights at Freddy's is a bad thing?
If you are disappointed by the reviews, you expected too much.
It looks like that will start to change soon. Before the release of the first film, a number of photos from the set were released, giving us a good idea of what to expect from it before Blumhouse decided to release it officially. It looks like history is repeating itself in the sequel as the first photos from the series have already started leaking.
FNAF 2 Set Photo Leaks Show Toy Animatronics and Pizzeria Sign
As shared on Twitter by the FNAFMovieUpdate page, the first allegedly leaked photos from Five Nights at Freddy's 2 have a pretty innocent start. The photos appear to show the pizzeria sign from the sequel, which features cartoons of Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chick. We've seen Freddy's Toy before, but this is the first showing of Bonnie and Chicka.
Besides giving us a good look at what the sequel's pizzeria is all about, the leak also confirms the idea that the second film doesn't ignore the fact that Five Nights at Freddy's 2 is a prequel, not a sequel. Fans have wondered for some time if this would be ignored to make the Toy Animatronics a successor to the originals, but that may not be the case.
If the leaked photos are legit, they clearly show that the Toy Animatronics pizzeria is even more run down and dilapidated than the pizzeria in the first movie. Although we have no idea when this photo was set, the fact that the sign and building are in much worse shape than the pizzeria from the first movie suggests that it was indeed built earlier and has ceased operations long before where the first movie was shot.
While the sequel will still seemingly take place after the first as it features several returning characters, it seems that the origin of the Toy Animatronics will not change and will still be part of a pizzeria built in the past

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