Final Fantasy 14 Futures Rewritten Ultimate World First Race is over

Key conclusions

  • Final Fantasy 14's Futures Rewritten Ultimate has been cleared by the Japanese non-stop gaming team GRIND.
  • This cleanup occurred at 3:26am GMT on November 29 when team members uploaded screenshots to Twitter.
  • Unfortunately, it looks like we'll be going through the addon controversy again, as GRIND is suspected of using Pixel Perfect.

Final Fantasy 14 has a lot of challenging content, whether it's more challenging stuff like the Savage Arcadion Raids or more casual content like Jueno: The First Walk, the first raid in the Echoes of Vana'diel Alliance Raid series. However, the most difficult ones you will encounter are the Ultimate Raids, the most recent of which is Futures Rewritten, which was added in patch 7.11 a few days ago.

As with every Ultimate Raid in Final Fantasy 14, the truly brave gathered in their static to try to be the first team in the world to clear it. While not for everyone, it's an exciting time for the more raid-oriented Final Fantasy 14 community, and these battles usually take a few days for people to pick up and complete. It's tense, exciting, full of strategic conversations, and Futures Rewritten is no exception.

Final Fantasy 14 Futures Rewritten Ultimate World First Race is over

Like every other Ultimate that came before it, Futures Rewritten has been cleaned up. It was quite a tight race with many teams competing, but in the end, a Japanese team called GRIND managed to become the first in the world, winning the raid in three days and taking out at 3:26am GMT. While the race was broadcast by various teams, GRIND completed the raid off-air.


Final Fantasy 14 Mobile might finally get me into MMOs

I've never been able to get into Final Fantasy 14, but if I start with all the others in Mobile, it might just screw me over.

Unfortunately, as with other raids in the past, it seems that this one is clearly not without controversy. After GRIND cleared Futures Rewritten, one of the clear screenshots shared on Twitter showed a red dot that seems to suggest a plugin called Pixel Perfect was used to help players estimate the distance from enemies. That screenshot has since been removed from Twitter, as it appears we're having yet another add-on dispute.

In case you don't know, the Final Fantasy 14 raiding community has a tough cheat team because it went through a bit of a scandal during the world's first race to win Endwalker's Omega Protocol when a team called UNNAMED_ was found to be using plugins to gain an unfair advantage.

A very similar situation also occurred during Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate, when Square Enix was forced to issue a statement after discovering that a team called Neverland was using third-party tools. Let's hope that GRIND is truly clean and we can celebrate the team's achievement drama-free this time.


Square Enix's popular MMO, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, invites players to take on the role of a Warrior of Light in the world of Eorzea. There, they test their strength against the Primitives, the Garlean Empire, the Ossians, and many other threats.

This award-winning MMO now has several additions to its name, with the latest addition Endwalker completing the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc. Director and producer Yoshi-P has promised a lot of plans for future content, and the game is regularly updated to keep players busy.

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