Explanation of the Gadabout calling in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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There are a total of ten classes for the player to choose from Dragon Quest 3 Remake. While one is limited to a Hero, the other nine Summons can be mixed and matched to make any party you want, with one of the most unique options being the Gadabout.

As the male variant's appearance suggests, the Gadabout is a clown, and generally not the best option to engage in combat. They have their quirks, but in general they are not completely useless; here's how to use Gadabout Vocation and what it's best for.


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Why The Gadabout is not listened to in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

The unique quality of Gadabout is that they there's a chance it won't listen to any commands you giveand will instead use an ability or attack based on its level. These surprise actions are pretty useless early in the game, but can occasionally come in handy later on. They can range from a weak base attack, support ability to not even acting at all. While they only learn a few decent abilities, their lack of consistency makes it difficult to use them in battle as they stand a chance of going against your plan in favor of something else.

It is impossible to force them to listen to you all the time, because it is their deafness that makes this calling unique. If you like this gameplay and want to get the most out of Gadabout, recommended individuals:

  • Happy devil
  • A bat out of hell

Gadabout naturally has a attribute of high luckand it will further one thing they are good at. This high luck also helps their survivability, which is further boosted when you place them at the back of your lineup. Overall, Gadabout's best use is to stay alive and possibly revive the party when things start looking bad, but if you want to have a Sage in your party, Gadabout is a better use.


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Turning a hobo into a sage in the Dragon Quest 3 remake

What really makes Gadabouts unique is that at level 20 they can become a Sage without needing the Words of Wisdom book. which can usually be used once. Leveling Gadabout up to level 20 allows you to get extra sages whenever you want, you just have to put up with them in battle to get them to level 20. This is easily done by taking out Metal Slimes to give them XP quickly rather than relying on them in any real battle.

If you're planning on getting a Godabout to make a Sage later on, it's best to have Personalities:

While their stats will be greatly reduced when they switch to a new vocation, it will at least increase their wisdom rather than luck, which is much less useful in that vocation.

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