Explained the Serpent Hellfire

This article contains spoilers from the Elbaf One Piece arc.


  • The mysterious serpent Hellfire existed in the first world to the void.

  • The creature can be related to the god of the Earth and can become a metaphorical weapon of mass destruction.

  • A snake can become a enormous snake similar to the Scandinavian Jormungandr's Scandinavian mythology tied to Elbef.

One piece In section 1138, quite incredible disclosures fell one by one, and the fans were fascinated on the mural shows through the character of Franki, and I read the text of Harley through the character of Robin. Absolutely a large amount of knowledge drops from Oda to One piece Section 1138 was sensational and has already caused many interesting theories.


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Undoubtedly one of the main spoken points in One piece Now the serpent Hellfire, which appears in the murals painted by a giant child has long been talked about in Harley. The Hellfire snake remains a very interesting discussion item, given that it seems to be nowhere in the world, at least not at the surface level.

First World and Snake Hellfire

Harley Elbaf FROR One Piece 1139

  • The first world existed long before the void of the century

  • The first world looks very modern world

There was a fire in the ground. Humanity has succumbed to greed and touched the banned sun. The laid was prayed, and God appeared. The god of earth was raging, and with His Serpent Hellfire, shrouded in the world in death and darkness. And they will never meet. – the first world

Depending on what translation of the Harkey text read fans, the Hellfire snake can mean different things. But one thing that understands is that this creature or structure has long existed to the void. To find out the identity and purpose of the Hellfire snake, the fans first need to go through everything that has happened in the first world. For the first time, the first, the fire was found on the ground. Of course, some can interpret it as a literal fire, that is, the earth that is covered with flames, but it is probably not.

The statement refers to the eternal flame, the mother of the flames, which the vegopunk ended recently in one work. The vegopunka clearly began at the Egghead, which in the past of the maternal flames was a large -scale part of the world that existed, and that they even had their own sun, whose forces are ashamed. The mother's fire itself is incomplete, and Vegapunk could not turn it into the sun, which he wants at least not yet.

Returning to the first world when this power was first created, humanity obviously wanted to use it for its own good. They touched their mother and tried to destroy and conquer. This is what led to wars, and undoubtedly also slavery. Slaves were probably used to find the mother -in -law, and it was in these mines that they prayed for the sun God. After all, the sun god appeared probably from the moon itself. But, shortly afterwards, the earth God became angry and with the Hellfire snake, destroyed everything. This as a result caused the death of the world. It is interesting to note that the translations vary for the god and snake hellfire.


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The first thing to note is that the Hellfire snake is essentially related to the Earth's God. These two work simultaneously, no matter what translation he looks at. God's Earth can become an idea of ​​a man who ruled the world that would make sense, because the arrival of the sun God would probably upset them. The serpent hellfire may well become their creation, or perhaps an ancient deity that has existed long ago. It all depends on the reader translation. Either the earth God had a partner during his battle against the sun god, or it is possible that the earth God himself was on the fire, as he believes the official translation, which seems to be even Japanese fans.

Snakes Hellfire

The Hellfire Snake can become an ancient deity

The face of the Hellfire snake is a pretty interesting problem because there are two ways to get the ode to go for them. Either the snake was metaphorical, that is, the Hellfire snake was not really a snake, but in fact the creation using motherhood, which as a result immersed the world, or, in other words, weapons mass destruction. This idea would have some meaning, given that the world was collapsing, and Nico also died, as well as countless lives. This battle noted the end of humanity as we know it.

The only thing our attacks cannot punch is a snake imbued with red. – gifts and brooh

But there is another interpretation that is more literal. The Hellfire snake is a real snake, not at all. After all, in the Skypeia Arc, which is the one to which the Elbaf is very connected, the fans saw a nola, absolutely massive snake called the master of the sky. The none over 200 years old and continues to grow motionless. The size of this creature is more than 400 meters, which is much larger than even the largest of the ancient giants. But even more interesting is the fact that grandparents, Kashigov, was even greater. And, of course, they worshiped as a god in Skypia, Shain, who are already known to be allies of the ancient kingdom and fought in the war with 20 kingdoms. If they worshiped a giant snake as a god 400 years ago, it must be a reason. The reason may be the existence of an even greater snake, snake Hellfire, Jormungandr, which is taken directly with Scandinavian mythology, and once again connected directly to Elbef.

One piece of ball nicks

If Kashigov was much larger than Nola, and it was only 400 years ago, then there were probably big versions of the void. And long before that, which can be somewhere from hundreds to thousands of years, when the first world existed, there may be easily even a big snake, big enough to call the Hellfire snake. This Serpent Hellfire could fight near God Earth. If the Hellfire snake was truely enormous, then his possible death could lead to his wrap up the world, becoming what later became known as the red line. This drop of the Hellfire snake could lead to the destruction of a giant land, similar to the pangee and divided it into several parts. More importantly, this would create a giant snake that passed through the earth, which over time could foss and become a red line as we know today. The whole ocean, or all blue, would be destroyed there, and the world would be divided into at least two parts.

One piece is available for reading via Viz Media. Series can read fans officially and free on Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The exit date for the next chapter One Piece, one piece of 1139, must be February 9, 2025.


One piece

The release date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiraki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tookoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yokoda O, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou


Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Shouji Yonemura, Yoshiyuki Suga, Atsuhiro Tomioka, Hirohiko Uesak, Michiru Shimada, ISAO MURAYA, TAKUYA Momoka Toyoda

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