January 20, 2018
- 2x XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- This is the only time that a TM could be used to give an already-caught Pokemon the special move
February 24, 2018
Draco Meteor
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Unibail-Rodamco shopping centers in Europe had lured PokeStops until February 26, 2018
March 25, 2018
Frenzy Plant
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
April 15, 2018
Dragon Pulse
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
May 19, 2018
Blast Burn
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
June 16, 2018
Smack Down
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
July 8, 2018
Hydro Cannon
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
By completing certain research tasks, you could encounter Squirtle wearing sunglasses
- This costumed Pokemon can evolve, and Wartortle and Blastoise will also be wearing sunglasses
August 11 and 12, 2018
Last Resort
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Every Eeveelution would learn Last Resort upon evolution during the event (and up to 4 p.m. EST on August 13, 2018)
- This is the first Community Day to give extra time to evolve for the special move
September 22, 2018
Frenzy Plant
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Trainers had an additional 30 minutes after the end of the event for Meganium to learn Frenzy Plant after evolving from Bayleef
Following the event, Meltan was semi-revealed
- “Meltan” were spawning on the map, but turned out to be Ditto when caught
- Meltan was officially announced as a Mythical Pokemon on September 25, 2018
October 21, 2018
Meteor Mash
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Starting with this Community Day, Trainers were given an extra hour after the event to evolve for the special move, until August 2019, when it was increased to two hours
- Gameplay issues in Asia-Pacific resulted in an additional makeup event being held in the region on October 28, 2019
November 10, 2018
Blast Burn
- 2x catch XP
- 2x catch Stardust
Pikachu, Dratini, Bulbasaur, Mareep, Charmander, Larvitar, Squirtle, Eevee, Chikorita, Beldum, and Cyndaquil
November 30 to December 3, 2018
- 2x catch Stardust
- 2x catch XP
- 50% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
Pokemon from the first 11 months of the year were featured
- *All special moves were accessible upon evolution for the duration of the event
January 12, 2019
Hydro Cannon
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
February 16, 2019
Ancient Power
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
March 23, 2019
Frenzy Plant
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
April 13, 2019
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Server issues in some timezones resulted in Niantic extending the event in GMT +8, +9, and +10 by two hours, but they forgot to extend the evolution window for the special move until the extended time was almost over
May 19, 2019
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Combusken evolved during the event would learn Blast Burn, and Blaze kick could be given to Blaziken via evolution or a TM from this day forward
June 8, 2019
Body Slam
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Spawn issues resulting from problems with the weather mechanic caused Niantic to issue a makeup event for Slakoth from July 7 to 9, 2019 in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
July 21, 2019
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Marshtomp evolved during the event would learn Hydro Cannon, and Muddy Water could be given to Swampert via evolution or a TM from this day forward
August 3, 2019
- 75% Egg hatch reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Since this Community Day, Trainers have been given an extra two hours after the end of the event to evolve for the special move
September 15, 2019
Frenzy Plant
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
October 12, 2019
Earth Power
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Postponed to October 26, 2019 in Japan
November 16, 2019
Blast Burn
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Lure Modules
Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Bagon, Torchic, Slakoth, Mudkip, Ralts, Turtwig, Trapinch, and Chimchar
December 14 and 15, 2019
- 2x catch Stardust
- 2x catch XP
- 50% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
Pokemon from the first 11 months of the year were featured
- *All special CD moves from 2018 and 2019 were accessible upon evolution from 9 a.m. on Saturday to 9 p.m. on Sunday, local time
- Pokemon from 2018 Community Days were also featured in Raids and Eggs
- Free Special Research: “Celebrate 2019”
January 19, 2020
Hydro Cannon
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Lure Modules
February 22, 2020
Rock Wrecker
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- The featured Pokemon was decided by player vote. But, votes were cast by completing corresponding Field Research tasks
April 25, 2020
Since this Community Day, all subsequent Community Days have been named “Community Day: Play at Home Edition” as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
- They have all been 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time, as opposed to the former 3-hour Community Days
- This particular CD (Abra) had been originally scheduled for March but was postponed
This is the first Community Day with a corresponding Special Research ticket that Trainers could purchase from the shop
- Abra’s Special Research was titled “Investigating Illusions”
May 24, 2020
Bullet Seed
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Seeing Double”
June 20, 2020
Drill Run
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
The featured Pokemon was decided by player vote, with the winner being Weedle for June 2020
- The runner-up, Gastly, was featured in July 2020
- Special Research: “A Hairy Situation”
July 19, 2020
Shadow Punch
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
The featured Pokemon was decided by player vote, with the winner being Weedle for June 2020
- The runner-up, Gastly, was featured in July 2020
- Special Research: “The Great Gastly”
August 8, 2020
Aqua Tail
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Making a Splash”
September 20, 2020
Tri Attack
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
The featured Pokemon was decided by player vote, with the winner being Porygon for September 2020
- The runner-up, Charmander, was featured in October 2020
- Special Research: “Decoding Porygon”
This was the first Community Day with a corresponding Timed Research questline
- Porygon’s was titled “Community Day: Porygon”
October 17, 2020
Dragon Breath
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
The featured Pokemon was decided by player vote, with the winner being Porygon for September 2020
- The runner-up, Charmander, was featured in October 2020
- Special Research: “A Tale of Tails”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Charmander”
November 15, 2020
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Electric for Electabuzz”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Electabuzz”
November 21, 2020
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “No Match for Magmar”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Magmar”
Piplup, Rhyhorn, Abra, Seedot, Weedle, Gastly, Magikarp, Porygon, Charmander, Electabuzz, and Magmar
December 12 and 13, 2020
- 2x catch Stardust
- 50% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
Pokemon from the first 11 months of the year were featured
- *All special moves from CDs in 2019 and 2020 were accessible upon evolution for the duration of the event
- Pokemon from 2019 Community Days were available in Raids and Eggs
- Special Research: “December Community Day”
- Timed Research: “December Community Day”
January 16, 2021
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Straight to the Top, Machop!”
February 7, 2021
- Bullet Seed
- Weather Ball (Fire)
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Stop and Smell the Roselia”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Roselia”
March 6, 2021
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “The Bravest Bird”
April 11, 2021
Frenzy Plant
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “Snivy in the Sunshine”
May 15, 2021
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
- Mega Altaria made its Pokemon GO debut with this event
- Special Research: “Cotton-Winged Bird”
June 6, 2021
Earth Power
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “Just a Nibble”
July 3, 2021
Blast Burn
- 3x catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “Roasted Berries”
August 14 and 15, 2021
- Last Resort (Eevee)
- Scald (Vaporeon)
- Zap Cannon (Jolteon)
- Superpower (Flareon)
- Shadow Ball (Espeon)
- Psychic (Umbreon)
- Bullet Seed (Leafeon)
- Water Pulse (Glaceon)
- Psyshock (Sylveon)
- 50% Egg distance reduction
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “What You Choose to Be”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Eevee”
This is the first time all of the Eeveelutions were in the game for a Community Day that featured Eevee
- Each was given its own special move, as well
September 19, 2021
- 3x Catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “From Scalchops to Seamitars”
- Dewott evolved during the event will learn Hydro Cannon, and Razor Shell can be given to Samurott via evolution or a TM from this Community Day forward
October 9, 2021
Shadow Ball
- 3x Catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “Nothin’ Dull About Duskull”
- Timed Research: “Community Day: Duskull”
November 21, 2021
Psychic Fangs
- 75% Egg distance reduction
- 3x Transfer Candy
- 4x chance for Candy XL when transferring Pokemon
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “Flash, Spark, and Gleam”
- Extra bonuses (4x chance for Candy XL when transferring Pokemon and 3x Transfer Candy) were added to celebrate the final Community Day before the December yearly round-up CD
Machop, Roselia, Swablu, Gible, Snivy, Fletchling, Eevee, Duskull, Shinx, Tepig, and Oshawott
December 18 and 19, 2021
- 50% hatch distance
- 2x catch XP
- 2x catch Stardust
- 25% trade cost discount (Dec. 17 to 19)
- One extra special trade per day (Dec. 17 to 19)
All Pokemon from the first 11 months of 2021 were featured in the wild; 2020 CD Pokemon will be available in Eggs and Raids
- *CD moves from 2020 and 2021 were available from December 17 to 19
- Special Research: “December Community Day 2021”
- Timed Research: December Community Day 2021
- Field Research tasks would reward Mega Energy for Charizard, Gengar, Gyarados, Beedrill, and Altaria
- Pokemon Box Storage and Item Bag Capacity had their maximum limits increased by 500 each
January 16, 2022
- 3x Catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Special Research: “The Spheal Deal”
January 22, 2022
Frenzy Plant
- 3x Catch XP
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- This is the first event billed as a “Community Day Classic” form of CDs, which feature Pokemon that have been featured before
- Special Research: “Bulbasaur Community Day Classic”
February 12, 2022
- 3x Catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- 3-hour Incense
- Special Research: “A Hop, Skip, and Jump Away”
March 13, 2022
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- 1/4 Egg Distance
- Special Research: “Gritty and Glacial”
April 23, 2022
Drain Punch
- 3x XP and 2x Candy for Catches
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Strong Stuff”
- Group Player Bonuses
Alolan Geodude
May 21, 2022
- 3x Stardust and 2x Candy for Catches
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “A Rocky Road”
- Bonuses for groups
June 25, 2022
Brutal Swing
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- 3x XP and 2x Candy for Catches
- 2x chance of Starly XL Candy
- Special Research Story: “Field Notes: Deino”
- Bonuses for groups
- Raid Battle Event
July 17, 2022
- 3x Catch XP
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Trades cost 50% less Stardust
- Special Research Story: “Field Notes: Starly”
- Raid Battle Event
- Group Bonuses
Galarian Zigzagoon
August 13, 2022
- 3x Catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Trades cost 50% less Stardust
- Special Research Story: “Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon”
- Raid Battle Event
- Group Bonuses
- Galarian Zigzagoon-themed Timed Research
September 18, 2022
Meteor Beam
- 1/4 Hatch Distance for Eggs
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Trades cost 50% less Stardust
- Special Research Story: Rock ‘n’ Roll
- Raid Battle Event
October 15, 2022
- 3x XP and 2x Candy for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Trades cost 50% less Stardust
- Special Research Story: “Field Notes: Trick of the Light”
- Raid Battle Event
November 5, 2022
Draco Meteor
- 3x Stardust for Catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Dratini Community Day Classic”
November 12, 2022
High Horsepower
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 2x Candy for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “A Sweet Snack”
- Bonus Raid Battles
Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Geodude, Hoppip, Spheal, Stufful, Teddiursa, Galarian Zigzagoon, Starly, Roggenrola, Litwick, Deino, Bulbasaur, Dratini, and Mudkip
December 17, 2022, and December 18, 2022
Several Featured Attacks
- 2x catch XP and Candy
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Several Pokemon featured in Community Days from 2021 to 2022 appeared in the wild, Eggs, and Raids
- These Pokemon were able to learn their Featured Attacks during this event
- Timed Research
- Special Research Story: “December Community Day 2022”
January 7, 2023
Frenzy Plant
- 2x catch Candy
- 2x chance of receiving Candy XL from catching Pokemon
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Quality Quills”
- Bonus Raid Battles
January 21, 2023
Smack Down
- 3x catch XP
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Larvitar Community Day Classic”
February 5, 2023
- 3x Catch Stardust
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Abundant Noise”
- Bonus Raid Battles
Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke
March 18, 2023
- 3x Catch XP
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: “Field Notes: Slow and Slower”
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Timed Research
April 15, 2023
Aura Sphere
- 2x Catch Candy
- 1/4 Egg hatch distance
- Togepi in 2km Eggs with increased Shiny chances
- Special Research Story: Spreading Cheer
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Timed Research
April 29, 2023
Ancient Power
- 3x Stardust
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: Swinub Community Day Classic
- Timed Research
May 21, 2023
Blast Burn
- 3x Stardust
- 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
- Special Research Story: Fur and Flames
- Bonus Raid Battles
June 10, 2023
Breaking Swipe
- 3x XP for Catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Keeping Sharp
- Bonus Raid Battles
July 9, 2023
Hydro Cannon
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Squirtle Community Day Classic
- Field Research Encounters with Squirtle in Sunglasses
July 30, 2023
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Slippery Swirls
- Timed Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
August 13, 2023
Hydro Cannon
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: A Bubbly Disposition
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Field Research
September 2, 2023
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Charmander Community Day Classic
- Timed Research
- Pokemon Showcases
September 23, 2023
Volt Switch
- 3x XP for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Plugging Along
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Field Research
- Timed Research
October 15, 2023
Brutal Swing
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Muscle Memories
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Field Research
Wooper and Paldean Wooper
November 5, 2023
- 1/4 Egg hatch distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: A Muddy Buddy
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Field Research
November 25, 2023
Dragon Pulse
- 1/4 Egg hatch distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Special Research Story: Mareep Community Day Classic
- Field Research
Past 2023 Community Day Pokemon
December 16, 2023, and December 17, 2023
Several Featured Attacks
- 1/2 Egg hatch distance
- 2x XP
- 2x Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Community Day Raids
- Community Day 2 km Eggs
- Special Research Story: December Community Day 2023
- Timed Research
January 6, 2024
Frenzy Plant
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Rowlet Community Day Special Research
- Pokemon Showcases
January 20, 2024
Tri Attack
- 3x XP for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Porygon Community Day Classic Special Research
- Pokemon Showcases
- Timed Research
February 4, 2024
Wild Charge
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Chansey Community Day Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Happiny in 2 km Eggs
- Pokemon Showcases
March 16, 2024
Blast Burn
- 3x XP for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Litten Community Day Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
April 7, 2024
- 3x XP for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Bagon Community Classic Special Research
- Event Field Research Tasks
- Pokemon Showcases
April 20, 2024
Magical Leaf
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Bellsprout Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
May 19, 2024
High Jump Kick
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Bounsweet Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
June 9, 2024
Thunder Punch
- 2x Catch Candy
- 3x Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Goomy Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
June 22, 2024
Blast Burn
- 2x Catch XP
- 2x Catch Stardust
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Cyndaquil Community Day Classic: Special Research
- Field Research
- Pokemon Showcases
July 21, 2024
Volt Switch
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 2x Catch Candy
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Tynamo Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Timed Research
- Pokemon Showcases
August 18, 2024
Meteor Mash
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Beldum Community Day Classic: Special Research
- Field Research
- Pokemon Showcases
August 31, 2024
Hydro Cannon
- 3x XP for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Popplio Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta
September, 14, 2024
Wild Charge
- 3x Stardust for catching Pokemon
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases
October 5, 2024
Shadow Claw
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance
- 3-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- Sewaddle Community Day: Special Research
- Bonus Raid Battles
- Pokemon Showcases