Every step of the Bros. in Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood

Of the three big ones Mario The Mario & Luigi role-playing series feels like the closest thing to the main games. This is because the platforming is done as much as the typical turn-based RPG battles. Even in battles, there are some platforms that are involved not only in attacking enemies, but also in countering them.


6 Beginner Tips for Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood

Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood isn't your typical turn-based RPG, so don't go into battle without these mustachioed tips.

While exploring the world, Mario and Luigi can perform bypass skills called Bros. Moves. They will team up to perform unique abilities from transforming into a spaceship for gliding to melting ice boulders with fire magic. Let's go through each settlement Bros Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood and rank them based on usage and creativity.

4 Brother ball

Samus called and wants her to come back

Using Bro Ball Bros. Move in Mario & Luigi Brotherhood

The Bro Ball will bind the two into a tight little ball similar to Samus' Morph Ball form Metroid games. It's a bit faster to move the ball around the world, but it's not much of a benefit. Instead, players can access smaller areas through holes left in walls with the Bro Ball. They can still jump, but not very high. The permanent Bro Ball achievement will take place on Alsand Island.

As the name suggests, this island is covered with quicksand. A few steps into this murky sea will lead Mario and Luigi to a grainy grave, but Brat's ball won't make them drown. A later update, Ball Blitz, will add the ability to charge while stationary. Like Sonic's charges in his games, Bro Blitz will shoot plumbers forward for a burst of speed or up a wall when they hit the right ramp. There are also thin bridges that players can quickly cross if they time their boosts correctly.

3 Jump/Hammer mode

Jump Up Superstar

Running around in Mario & Luigi Brotherhood

Although there is no name for it, the common mode of transport should be explained. Players can tap between Bros moves. with the right analog stick on the Switch controller, and the “normal” mode of movement is symbolized by the boot. In this mode, Mario and Luigi will move normally and can jump on enemies or across gaps using the A and B buttons. Players can manually make Luigi jump or have him jump automatically. In general, this base mode is similar to Mario's movement in the main 2D game, except for a top-down perspective, which is common in these spin-off RPGs.


Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood – 7 early side quests you shouldn't miss

These early side quests are perfect for getting the sweet rewards in Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood as quickly as possible, and players shouldn't miss them.

Eventually, this mode will be updated when players receive a hammer from Buildit or Mikeit in Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood. Using the X and Y buttons, players can smash enemies, break through rocks, and hit switches. The most interesting use of this power is when players leave Luigi on the switch to hit so Mario can move forward. Perhaps a switch would, for example, move platforms in the air or rotate walls in a maze. The hammer is a classic weapon of the franchise, so it makes sense to use it as a tool in Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood.

2 UFO rotation

Bridge the gaps with ease

Using UFO Spin Bros. Move in Mario & Luigi Brotherhood

Technically, the UFO Spin is the first Bros. move players will get. The two plumbers will hold hands and spin around fast enough to make them look like a stereotypical alien saucer. This technique will allow players to swim through the gaps, the bypassing motion we saw in the previous one Mario and Luigi games. The difference here is that the shape of the UFO has not been seen before and is strange. Time is of the essence as players can only hold them in the air for a few seconds before falling.


Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood – 8 Best Battle Plugins, Ranked

These plumbers also need to know how to handle electricity when using these plugs.

The gliding ability alone can open up many new avenues that players may not have thought of before, just like in Metroidvania. Players will later receive an upgrade to the UFO Vacuum technique. This will add a suction feature to the form, allowing players to grab things like platforms that can be used to create makeshift bridges. The islands also have vents through which players can suck gold coins, which are the currency of this RPG. It's a strange upgrade, but vacuum suction has its uses.

1 Fire and ice

The classic boost is back

Using Fire & Ice Bros. Move in Mario & Luigi Brotherhood

The first one didn't have many bonuses Mario game, but the one that stood out was Fire Flower. It's a constant boost in the franchise, as fireballs can often kill enemies quickly and from afar. Nintendo apparently liked this boost so much that they made an icy version via Ice Flower. They both come back Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood and their ranged ability helps players jump on enemies early in combat. Luigi uses Ice Flower and Mario uses Fire Flower.

Fireballs are less versatile in terms of puzzle solving, as they can melt ice or set things on fire. It seems the developers have come up with more unique ways to use the ice powers. Players can, for example, cool lava or freeze fountains to turn them into platforms. These are typical ice powers in video games, but that doesn't make them any less impressive. It's a shame that Fire Flower wasn't highlighted as much, but overall this Fire & Ice Bros. Move as a set in Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood it's a blast.

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