Endeavor Agency Arch, Explained

Key conclusions

  • Endeavor's journey to redemption through mentorship and personal growth with its interns.
  • The Hawks act as a double agent to gather critical information about an impending villain threat.
  • The interactions between Endeavour, its trainees and family lead to personal reflection and change.

Most fans, if not all My Hero Academy familiar with Endeavor; they may not love him, but at least they know him. In a world full of heroes, Endeavor becomes the #1 hero in Japan after All Might retires. For a long time, Endeavor fought for this position, hoping that he would defeat the Almighty and, if not him, then his descendants. Unfortunately for Endeavor, neither happened and he was awarded the title because All Might was retired. This angered Indevar, but he accepted the position because he had sacrificed a lot for it.

The Endeavor Arc Agency Art My Hero Academy begins in season 5, episode 13, and ends in episode 18. This arc represents a major turning point in this anime. It takes place after the Meta Liberation Army Arc, and more importantly, it follows the experiences of Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todaroki as they begin their internships at Endeavour. Beyond their training, this arc delves deep into Endeavour's journey to redemption, exploring the changing dynamics within the heroes' society as they prepare for the war planned by the Paranormal Liberation Front.


My Hero Academia: Paranormal Liberation Front Explained

The Paranormal Liberation Front is a powerful organization in My Hero Academia.

Hero Work research continues

Todaroki invites his friends to his father's agency

Endeavor agency gym

With the return of the Hero Work Studies program, UA high school students have the opportunity to work at a hero agency throughout the school year. This program is designed so that students can develop their skills and be prepared for the life of heroes and the dangers that threaten them.

Midoriya and Bakugou were looking for internships like their peers and most of the students had an idea of ​​where they were working but not these two. Some students returned to the agency they had previously worked for, while others, like Midoriya, wanted a change. Bakugou was unable to return to the Best Jeanist agency as the pro-hero was still missing. Fortunately for the two, Todaroki invited them to intern at his father's agency, which they accepted.

When Todaroki brings Midoriya and Bakugo to his father, he pretends to be happy about the decision that Todaroki made without consulting him, but agrees with him nonetheless. Endeavor is just glad that his son made an effort and feels that Todaroki wants to work on mending their relationship, but little does he know. Endeavor plans to give Todaroki his full attention while ignoring Midoriya and Bakugou. But as this arc progressed, Endeavor changed her mind.

Hawkes as a double agent

Building trust with villains

In this arc, fans see Hawkes in action as a double agent. The Heroes Public Safety Commission convinces Hawks to infiltrate the League of Villains after their alliance with the Meta Liberation Army, which later becomes the Paranormal Liberation Front under Tomura Shigaraki.

Hawks proved to be the ideal candidate for this dangerous task because of his calm demeanor, intelligence and ability to manipulate the situation. The Paranormal Liberation Front is up to something big, and the community of heroes must be prepared for what they have or it will be disastrous. Staying in the dark isn't an option these heroes can accept, so they send Hawkes away in hopes that he'll gain the villains' trust and gain vital information that will help them plan a counterattack against the growing threat.

The Paranormal Liberation Front is tracking Hawkes' activities, but he still manages to find a clever way to inform Endeavor of their plan. Hawkes gives Endeavor a book written by Destro, talking about how relevant the book is and Destro's ideology. Endeavor picks up the book and as he reads it he pays close attention to the parts that Hawkes highlighted because there is a message that Hawkes is trying to convey.

After Endeavor receives a message from Hawks, he realizes that the impending danger is great and it would be serious if they were not prepared for it, and more hands needed to be on deck for the coming of war. With only four months to spare, changes begin at Endeavor as he changes his mind and decides to train all of his trainees, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todaroki, leaving no one behind and making sure they grow stronger.

Life In Endeavor Agency

Training begins

bakugo deku and todoroki

The fans have the Hawks to thank for changing Endeavor's mood. Endeavor begins training his trainees and fans discover that he is quite a good teacher as he takes an individual approach to his students. Before starting his training, he asked Bakugou and Midoriya what they planned to accomplish. Midoriya hopes that he can better control One For All and all the powers within it, especially Blackwhip. Bakugou, on the other hand, believes he has mastered his quirk and just wants to know what Endeavor lacks as a number one hero so he can surpass him. Endeavor accepts their reasons and is about to continue his training when Todaroki confronts him.

Endeavor's biggest flaw was revealed in this moment with his students when he didn't ask Todaroki what his goals were, showing that for a long time he didn't care about what his son wanted, only what he wanted or considered the best for his son. Endeavor wants Tadaroki to master the Flashfire Fist, his ultimate move, but Tadaroki has other plans. Todaroki tells his father that he only works at his agency to use him and learn from him. He adds that he has no plans to forgive him and tells his father that All Might is his inspiration, not him.

This confrontation with Todoroki broke Endeavor's heart. He thought that Todaroki came to his agency because he wanted to forgive him. Endeavor reaps the rewards of her past actions, but accepts it and continues her training. Endeavor takes its interns for training, taking them on tours and teaching them how to effectively use their quirks to quickly apprehend a villain. Over the course of the arc, fans see the three trying to overtake Endeavor when the villain is on the loose.

Redemption of Endeavour

A difficult but necessary journey


Things can't be good overnight, as the damage done to Endeavor, especially his family, is great. Fortunately for Endeavor, his daughter, Fuyumi, is passionate about rebuilding their broken family. In this arc, fans are invited to Todaroki's house as Fuyumi prepares dinner and gathers her entire family, including Midoriya and Bakugou.

This dinner led to a can of worms being opened, especially in front of people who were not family members. Natsuo is very angry with his father for all his previous actions, blaming him for Toya's death, and abruptly leaves the dinner because he can't stand him. Todaroki also has reservations about his father and isn't sure if forgiving him is the right decision. Midoriya tells him that he's ready to forgive his father and doesn't have to fight it.

Throughout the arc, Endeavor struggles with his past mistakes, especially the way he treated his family. His previous obsession with surpassing Omnipotence caused the death of his son Toi and his abusive and controlling behavior, especially towards Shoto. He neglected his other children, Fuyumi and Natsuo, but is trying to make amends. Endeavor got what he wanted by being the number one hero, but he lost so much in the process.

Fans can see that despite Endeavor's tough demeanor, he's just human, and he's making an effort to fix his mistakes and try to be a better hero and father. Dinner at the Todoroki mansion exposes Endeavor's intentions of wanting the best for his family. He feels honored that his daughter Fuyumi organized the family dinner and included him, much to the annoyance of his other son, Natsuo. Endeavor strives to atone for his mistakes and wants his family to be happy, even if it means without him.

The final incident

Shows the growth of Endeavor's students and his lost relationship with his son

The villains of My Hero Academia are defeated by Deku Ending and Natsuo Todaroki

Before the end of this arc, a villain named Endeavor tries to get Endeavor's attention and kidnaps Natsuo to force Endeavor to kill him. As Endeavor rushes to save his son, he is unable to act as usual because of his son's frightened face. Fortunately, his students, whom he was training, came and confronted the villain.

Midoriya, Todaroki, and Bakugou work together to stop the villain and save Natsuo without Endeavor's help. The successful rescue strengthens the bond between the three students, showing that they can handle real dangers as a team.

For Endeavour, the situation reminds him of the personal cost of his past actions. After reuniting with Natsuo, he realizes that he harbors a deep grudge against him. He has a heartfelt conversation with Natsuo in which he admits his past failures and takes responsibility for neglecting his family, especially him, Fuyumi, and their mother, Rei. He also takes responsibility for Toya's fate. Natsuo expresses his anger by stating that he will never forgive Endeavor, and Endeavor accepts that forgiveness may never come, but he still wants to make amends. Endevor, the villain, witnesses this heartfelt conversion and opposes Endeavor's character change, proving that Endeavor is indeed on the road to redemption.

What will happen after?

This arc ends with Midoriya, Bakuga, and Todaroki becoming stronger and more confident in their powers, showing that interning at Endeavor was a good choice. On the other hand, Endeavor begins to find redemption in the eyes of his family and society, although his journey is far from over.

The arc also sets the stage for an upcoming large-scale war between heroes and villains, with society's trust in the heroes hanging in the balance.

My Hero Academy is now available to stream on Crunchyroll.

My Hero Academy

In My Hero Academia, some people have superpowers called quirks. Izuku Midoriya aka Deku is not one of them. Deku has always idolized heroes such as the number one hero All Might, and since childhood he has always wanted to be a hero. However, his lack of quirks has always held him back, but a chance encounter with All Might after discovering a classmate in danger sets Deku on the path to becoming a true hero. My hero academy is centered around Deku and the class of heroes trained at UA. This school trains young quirk users into future heroes through mock rescue missions, combat training, and other hero-hardening tasks. With young Deku inheriting the One for All trait, he learns what it means to be a true hero as he faces off against dastardly supervillains.


Kohei Horikoshi

Number of series

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