Echoes of Wisdom's boss has been compared to the Ocarina of Time version

Although Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom may be a first for the main series, but it also feels like it has a ton of similarities to what came before. Of course, the basic concept is pretty much the same as everyone else's The Legend of Zelda game, except for the fact that this time it stars Princess Zelda. Along with this, players can also look forward to a few features from the past Zelda games to appear here, including Stamp Rally. But perhaps the biggest surprise is the fact that an entire boss seems to have come back from the dead Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Introduced in Zelda: Ocarina of Timethe giant fire serpent Volvagia has returned to wreak havoc on Hyrule's hero all these years later. This time he looks like an echo that lives in another fire temple in the Silent World and will once again test the player's mettle. However, while it may be the same boss, the actual fights couldn't be more different.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom and Ocarina of Time approach this boss differently

Zelda: Ocarina of Time pitted players against Volvagia of Fire

Players are first introduced to Volvagia during their adventures in the Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Once upon a time, a serpent lived in the bowels of Harry Death, and it was there that the legendary hero defeated it. But Ganondorf ended up reviving him by then Ocarina of time so that he could protect the Temple of Fire. So Link must head to this mountain to destroy it before it can escape and destroy Hyrule.

There's a pretty brutal boss fight, with Volvagia flying around the battlefield while Link tries not to fall into holes in the ground. It's a lot like Whac-A-Mole, where a dragon pops out of various lava-filled holes and players have to headbutt it while avoiding its attacks. After players successfully hit it, Volvagia will fly into the air and act intimidating, allowing players to hit it with arrows before it heads back for a new Whac-A-Mole. Sometimes giant rocks also fall from the sky, and this process repeats itself until players can defeat them.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom brings back Volvagia better than ever

Volvagia is making a grand comeback Zelda: Echoes of Wisdombut this time the fight is completely different. Players will encounter the dragon in the Temple of Eldin, where it serves as the main boss of the dungeons. Approximately as in Ocarina of timethe battle itself is filled with lava, and if the player isn't careful, they can burn to a crisp. However, the battlefield and actual mechanics are very different.

Since Princess Zelda can't fight without using an echo, the battle is built around that rather than the standard The Legend of Zelda struggle with Ocarina of time. There are several platforms for players to navigate, with Volvagia jumping between them. Players will want to call a far echo or flying echo to damage it and use their binding ability to stun the dragon so it can't fly through the sky or between platforms. Once stunned, they can hit him with a sword, arrows, or echo, dealing massive damage.

Grezzo could have just copied and pasted Volvagia, but he went the extra mile by making the battles very clear. The battlefield looks different, the dragon acts differently, and the moves needed to defeat it are unique to the game in which they operate. Of course, players will likely debate which iteration is the best for years to come. But the fact that they can do it is fantastic to see, and hopefully the more forgotten bosses will get some time to shine Zeldathe future.

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