Dungeon Guide at Juveyawata Field Station

Final Fantasy 14The first major content update since the release of Dawntrail just came out, bringing with it tons of new content. Additions include an expansion of the game's core story quests, including a new level 100 dungeon, Juveyawata Field Station. The area promises to reveal more about Zoraal Jah's past and the events that took place before the dome appeared over the village of Tonawtan, turning it into a Found Legacy.


Final Fantasy 14 shows changes in operation in patch 7.1

A few hours before the launch of Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.1, Square Enix offers an extensive list of quest balance changes in PVE and PVP content.

In addition to Yuweyawata Field Station offering new end-game gear in the form of a new set of Yuweyawata Armor, it's a new requirement for queuing up on Duty Roulette: Expert, a popular mining method for Tomestones of Heliometry, to purchase some of the most powerful gear in the game. game Find out how to easily make your way through the dungeon and avoid all the boss attacks below.

Lindblum Drive – Boss Review

final fantasy 14 yuweyawata field station kanilokka corpus

A a monstrous boar with numerous horns protruding from his face, Lindblum Zaghnal takes full advantage of the environment to attack players with a variety of lightning based attacks. Combining brute force with a burst of lightning, players will need to keep an eye on both the boss and the arena itself to successfully handle the deadly combat mechanics. Lindblum Zagnala's main abilities:

The name of the attack


Electrical overload

Inevitable party-wide damage.


The boss attacks in place by sticking its horns into a wall or the ground. A different mechanic performs depending on where the boss hits. If hitting the wallthe piece of electrop begins to dish out several linear attacks in rapid succession while the boss casts a Caber Toss. When Caber Toss finishes casting, the boss throws a piece into the arena, dealing hits across a large area before lane attacks are reset and the boss itself can attack players. If hitting the groundRaw Electrope begin to appear around the arena slowly charging up the bar above them. Players must destroy the Raw Electrope before they can finish charging while dodging the lightning that strikes around the arena.


Small area attacks with tracking of each player's location.

Overseer Kanilokka – Boss overview

final fantasy 14 warden kanilokka

Subordinate to Zoraal Jah, Warden Kanilokka attacks players in a variety of ways mental attacks befits his position. Resembling Aulus mal Asin from the level 70 Ala Mhigo dungeon, players will need to be quick on their feet to dodge Kanilokka's onslaught of ghosts during Free Spirits. The full list of attacks used by Warden Kanilokka includes:

The name of the attack


Dark souls

A powerful attack on the current boss target. Tanks should be able to handle this attack using defensive abilities like Rampart.

Free spirits

Inevitable damage to the entire party followed by a rapid series of bends need to dodge.

Phantom Flood

A large attack leaves only a small area in the the center of the arena is safe.

Dark II

A set of ultimate attacks that hit the ring around the boss. The second wave of attacks soon descends on previously safe places.

Lost hope

Applies the misdirection debuff to all players, limiting movement in the direction of the rotating arm above the characters' heads. Players must navigate themselves between the damaging areas created by the Phantom Flood moving to the edge of the room.

An explosion of blood

Inevitable party-wide damage.


Final Fantasy 14: Jeuno – The First Walk Alliance Raid Guide

Jump start your final game progress or grab free gear as an alternative in the newest Alliance Raid Final Fantasy 14, Jeuno.

Lunipyati – Boss Review

Trailer dawntrail warrior of light final fantasy 14

The Tural Vidraal, like the Valigarmaand serpent he fought in the Dawntrail main scenario quest, Lunipyati strikes with a ferocity befitting its name. Like Linblum Zaghnal before him, Lunipyati uses the arena itself to counter players, creating situations where one wrong move can lead to instant defeat. The main mechanisms to pay attention to are:

The name of the attack


Mad Claw

Repeated hits that hit everything in front of the boss.

Leparin loaf

Inevitable party-wide damage that leaves only the center of the arena is safewhich was followed by a wide range of attacks in rapid succession. Arc-shaped red arrows will launch Boulder Dance attackscreating zones of damage at both the start and end of each arrow. The curved lines on the ground will be hit by a series of consecutive circular blasts after a short time.

Cutting out the crater

A large attack that hits the center of the arena, permanently remove him from the game.

Animal roar

Inevitable damage that deals more damage the closer the player is to the target location. Immediately after, a series of eruptions quickly circle the arena.

Sonic howl

Inevitable party-wide damage.

Juveyawata Field Station Dungeon Rewards


Chests found throughout the dungeon reward players after defeating each boss items from the Yuweyawata set. At item level 705, these items shouldn't be part of slot best lists for any form of content, but they can still be an upgrade for players who just hit level 100 – or those looking light equipment for alternative work. Additionally, the set uses unique new armor models rather than repaints of existing equipment, which could make them the perfect item for glamor fans to add to their collection.

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