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All letter slots in Crazy Cart
All locations for puzzle pieces in Crazy Cart
It would not be a Donkey Kong a game without levels where you race around a dangerous track in a wheelchair. This is exactly what happens at the sixth level Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. Except for the part at the beginning, you spend most of this level in a cart trying to avoid running into enemies or falling off the rails. There are a lot of collectibles to be found in the Crazy Cart, but they can be quite easily missed as they often require a split second jump.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD shows updated Switch file size
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All letter slots in Crazy Cart
The first letter can be found shortly after the area where you found the mini-game. Once you're in the cart, watch out for a series of enemies that you can jump on. You'll see a “K” pretty soon after that, and you'll need to jump on the enemy in time to get up and reach him.
The letter “O” appears almost immediately after you hit the second track after the third part of the puzzle. Jump before going down the slope to reach the 'O'.
Shortly after the checkpoint, a series of jumps awaits you, which you will have to do while still in the train. There will be an 'N' right before the end of the track, but you have to time your jump so that you can make it without falling off.
Shortly after you get the letter “N”, the tracks will lead you out of the cave and into an open area where you'll need to dodge a number of enemies. After you've jumped across a few narrow platforms, watch out for the part of the path that goes down to the pit. The letter “G” is right there.
All locations for puzzle pieces in Crazy Cart
The first part of the puzzle can be found right at the beginning of the level. Just like King of Cling, there will be a hidden puzzle piece to the left of where you start.
After you've picked up the first piece, keep going through the level until you reach a large circular platform that you can tap on. This creates a path that allows you to go further into the level, but it also opens the way to a hidden mini-game in the upper left corner. Collect all the bananas, the balloon and the two coins in the allotted time to trigger the second part of the puzzle.
The third piece of the puzzle is found shortly after “K” is found. Above you, you will see a mine path, and if you happen to jump too high, you will end up on it. You want to stay on the bottom path until the very end to get the third puzzle piece. Just remember to jump to get to the top track so you don't fall off.
Almost immediately after the letter “O” you will come across another jump. You'll see the fourth puzzle piece floating there, but you need to be quick or you'll miss it when you jump.
Right after the fourth part of the puzzle, the camera will zoom in on Donkey Kong. There will be some bananas along with a floating banana bunch. Right after that, the last piece of the puzzle will be in the air, so be ready to jump to get it.
Time Attack Tips
Since most of this level takes place on a cart whose speed you can't control, the best way to get a good clear time on this level is to get to the cart as quickly as possible. If you mess up even one jump, you're better off just restarting the level if your goal is to get golden time. The rest is just to complete the level without hitting anything or falling off the track.