The lack of crafted weapons in Destiny 2 dungeons is a missed opportunity for better farming.
Implementing a guaranteed two drops per dungeon encounter, with one being a weapon, would greatly improve the loot system.
By providing a guaranteed weapon for every dungeon encounter, Destiny 2's dungeons will become much more valuable to farm.
As a marauder shooter, Destiny 2 offers multiple classes for players to farm items and weapons to their liking. These range from casual strikes and gambits or Crucible matches to raids and dungeons that are designed to be endgame for well equipped players. Both raids and dungeons offer armor and weapons as rewards, and the weapons are generally some of the strongest in the game, as proven Destiny 2VS Cooldown Inhibitor by Vesper's Host. While raids are all about crafting red-bordered weapons, weapons in dungeons can usually only be upgraded, which can be a problem given the drop rate and loot pool. However, there is one obvious way Destiny 2 to make Dungeons much better.
It seems unlikely that crafted weapons will ever be added to Dungeons after Bungie's recent announcement about the future Destiny 2 plans that stated that the weapons in Episode 3 could not be manufactured. This would be a great solution to the limited drops and bloated loot pool from Dungeons, which can be increasingly challenging to farm due to players also having to deal with the random rolls of each weapon they receive. So the next best thing would be to not only guarantee two drops per dungeon encounter, but at least one weapon among them.

Destiny 2 is now set to deliver the joy it's been avoiding for so long
Destiny 2 is at one of its darkest moments right now, and to get out of the woods you need to finally move and make a big decision.
Clashes in dungeons Destiny 2 usually have a loot of five or six possible items, often with two or three pieces of armor and two or three guns. Also, not all of these items drop from every encounter, rather they are split between different encounters or dungeon bosses. This means that it's impossible to unlock all of the Dungeon drops even after four or five runs, let alone find the god drops for every weapon you need.
with Destiny 2Armor overhaul in Frontiers, Dungeon armor could also be affected and become much more desirable than it is now, meaning players will have to farm for a long time before they get everything they want from a given Dungeon. However, to address all of these issues, a huge change could be made to Dungeons drops, and that would be to drop two items for each boss or encounter. The difference with dual loot will be that these items will have mandatory categories, and the best way to handle this is to either make the loot guaranteed to split between a weapon and a piece of armor, or at least guarantee one weapon and then the other random subject.
Guaranteed weapons will make a dungeon worth farming in Destiny 2
This approach will heavily factor in player feedback, especially afterwards Destiny 2double weeks of loot in Vesper's Host as a gesture by Bungie to make up for wasted time farming against Chill Inhibitor during the bonus weighting dispute. At the time, a lot of players were talking about double looting from Dungeons making them worth farming because of their huge loot pool and slim chance of getting certain rolls. Instead of constant double loot, which could also be a solution, having one guaranteed weapon and a second drop per encounter would be more than enough.
In theory, there is a possibility that even with double loot, but no guaranteed weapons, it is possible to finish the run without any weapons at all. Since these guns cannot be manufactured and may never be produced, giving one guaranteed weapon (and possibly a guaranteed piece of armor) per encounter kills two birds with one stone, as do all Destiny 2 Dungeons should be formed right away – in any case, much more than now.
Destiny 2Heresy is coming out early next year, and it's hard to think that Bungie will make these changes sooner, if they do, given all of the game's current issues. However, the launch of Frontiers would be a great time to add this system to Dungeons, making them more desirable for recreational players.