Capcom Fighting Collection 2 Issues on May 16, 2025, which presents classic combat names for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch.
Previous orders come with bonus songs for the museum regime, such as “soy sauce for geese” and “Medley rivals”.
With successful remakes such as Resident Evil, Capcom plans to continue revision of ancient names, including Remaster Onimusha 2.
Capcom announced this Capcom Fighting Collection 2 will be released on May 16, 2025 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and the Switching Players. The assembly game offers some classic Capcom combat names is a continuation of 2022 Collection of combat fighting Capcomwho went out for a positive reception.
A few years ago, Capcom celebrated the 35th anniversary of one of the most popular franchise, Street Beaintywith the exit Collection of combat fighting Capcom. This collection allowed fans to survive their memories of the game in ancient arcade games, such as Darkstalkers: Night Warriors and Savior Vampire 2: Lord VampireOn modern platforms. Now the Japanese game giant plans to deploy its direct observation, Capcom Fighting Collection 2Giving the players access to another eight old titles from different Capcom IPS. For long -standing fans, this development continues a pleasant mileage re -released classics that just got Marvel VS Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics In September 2024.

Capcom experimenting with AI
New information about the Capcom development process provides a certain understanding of the use of Generative AI in games that go forward.
Capcom Fighting Collection 2 Recently revealed the launch date on May 16 as well as some bonuses for the previous order. Drawing up classic games that presents various franchises of the Capcom combat games, such as Street Beainty. Capcom vs. Snkand StoneIt offers those who pre -order any version of the game, a couple of bonus songs that can be played solely in museum mode. These tracks are “soy sauce for geese” and Medley's “rival schools”, rebuilt by the developer's own sound team, Cap-Jams. On the other hand, some previous orders Capcom Fighting Collection 2The physical publication will come with the original Capcom vs snk-Samix based on the official site.
Whether it is a reissue as Marvel VS Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Either a full -fledged stroke like 2023 Resident evil 4In recent years, Capcom has fallen into existing games again. This strategy turned out to be fruitful for a developer based in Osaki, especially from her Dwelling angry Remakes become huge success. Based on the strong indicators of these games and GoldMine with the popular IPS Capcom, it seems reasonable to Megaman The creator continues to review more of his ancient names in the future.
In the last step on this front, recently Capcom showed that Onimusha 2 Remaster is currently running. It is expected that in 2025 the game-series, which originally hit the shelf in 2002.