Key conclusions
- The Borderlands 4 teaser trailer hints at a dangerous villain who outshines Handsome Jack.
- The game will take place on a new planet, most likely not Prometheus, as some previously thought.
- Multidimensional travel may play a role in the game's plot, possibly involving the Eridians.
After many rumors and leaks that it was in development, Borderlands 4 was finally revealed not too long ago via a teaser trailer during Gamescom 2024. Like the teaser trailers, Borderlands 4's is highly cryptic and doesn't reveal too much, other than Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford saying it's a much more “dangerous and sinister” villain than Borderlands 2Handsome Jack. However, based on the hands taking Psycho's mask in the trailer, the villain is most likely Eridian. Since the official announcement Borderlands 4his villain was naturally at the forefront of conversation surrounding the game.
While fans were quick to theorize about the potential identity Borderlands 4villain, the trailer revealed something else. In particular, when meteors rain down from the sky, they land on something that can only be assumed Borderlands 4A new planet. There are also elements of multidimensional travel Borderlands 4 teaser trailer that may reveal more about its setting and premise.
After the release of Civ 7, Borderlands 4 shows that BioShock 4 needs to stop running around the roads
2K has been keeping gamers informed about upcoming games like Borderlands 4, but has been surprisingly quiet about BioShock 4.
The Borderlands 4 trailer reveals the setting
Borderlands 4 is confirmed to take place on a new planet
At first glance, the planet shown in the Borderlands 4 teaser trailer looks like it could be Prometheus, a location that has been highly requested to return since its debut in Borderlands 3. In the end, these requests are well-deserved, given that Promethea offered players an environment far different from the sands of Pandora with which they were more than familiar. It is also natural to assume that it could be Prometheus due to the appearance of the planet in The border film and New tales from the border. However, some key details, including official confirmation, suggest otherwise.
First off, it's worth noting that the skyscrapers that appear on the planet look like they could be Promethea, but their construction is a bit tougher than what players might find on Promethea. Also, the planet shown in the Borderlands 4 the teaser trailer is very lush and green, only the exterior of Prometheus has greenery, and less than what is shown in the trailer. In general, no planet has ever figured in the The border series that has this look. Furthermore, Gearbox has directly confirmed this Borderlands 4 will be set on a brand new planet, which seems to nip in the bud the possibility of the planet shown in the trailer being Prometheus.
That being said, if the planet shown in the trailer is the new planet the game is set on, it confirms the biome for
Borderlands 4
a setting that could be, like Prometheus before it, a refreshing departure from the desert lands of Pandora.
Borderlands 4 may involve some kind of interdimensional travel
Something else worth noting about Borderlands 4 teaser trailer takes place when Elpis appears out of nowhere via Lilith teleporting the moon at the end Borderlands 3 lest he tear Pandora to pieces. Most interestingly, Elpis appears to be tearing a hole in space, possibly opening a wormhole to another dimension in the process. It is quite possible that new players will visit the planet Borderlands 4 is the Eridian homeland of Nekratopheus in another reality, possibly before its desecration. However, as it was confirmed that Borderlands 4It's set on a brand new planet, unless Gearbox means 'new', as players have never seen Necratopheus like this before, most likely it's not Eridian's homeworld, but a brand new place.
Whatever the case, it appears that Lilith somehow teleported Elpis to the point where he rips a hole in the fabric of time and opens a gateway to another world. Is it really a prerequisite for Borderlands 4 remains to be seen, but it can be assumed that the following The border in the game, players will most likely reunite with Lilith at some point. For now Borderlands 4The next revelation will likely remain a guessing game.
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