Key Takeaways
- Conjuration magic in
Baldur’s Gate 3
offers a wide variety of helpful summons for combat and exploration. - Experimenting with summons, like Mage Hand and Flaming Sphere, can enhance gameplay and solve puzzles.
- Players can find powerful summons like Lump the Enlightened ogres or the Infernal Rapier Cambion to dominate encounters.
Whether accessed through a playable character’s class, various spell scrolls, or even certain items, any Baldur’s Gate 3 players are likely to encounter magic at some point. Conjuration is a subclass of magic that centers around conjuring things into existence, and this includes a wide variety of BG3 summons that can assist players in combat and sometimes in general exploration.

Baldur’s Gate 3: 9 Characters That Should Have Died
Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to confront and kill most characters in the game should they choose, but some may have benefited from a specific fate.
Since Larian patched the game so that these various summons no longer terrify all the NPCs into running away from conversations, summons can be a helpful addition to any encounter and are worth experimenting with. With so many options to choose from, these are some of the best summons in the game for those who want to dominate the initiative.
Updated December 2, 2024, by Hamza Haq: Summons in Baldur’s Gate 3 are a way for players to equalize the battlefield by bringing more allies to help in combat. Nine times out of ten, enemies outnumber the party of four, making every fight an uphill one. Summons come in many varieties, ranging from inanimate objects to celestial beings, most requiring a spell or item to be called to help. Each one is different, with unique abilities, spells, stats, and class actions. Knowing which Summon to use at the right time is crucial information to have for players, especially on higher difficulties like Tactician and Honor mode. Each summon is different, with powers and abilities that are unique to them.
19 Mage Hand
Cantrip Summon Useful For Puzzles
- Spell Level: 0
- Spell Type: Conjuration
- Damage: 1 bludgeoning
While the spectral hand summoned from this simple cantrip is perhaps the most basic summon in the game, it shouldn’t detract from the fact that Mage Hand can actually be a really useful spell. Perhaps the most obvious tell for this is that Mage Hand is the only cantrip with a limitation on how frequently it can be used, in most cases once per short rest.
While this does sort of defeat the point of cantrips, it also highlights that Mage Hand is stronger than your average utility cantrip. It can be used in battle to deal very minor damage or to shove or throw things but it is only really worth activating if there are no better actions available. Its real effectiveness comes from circumventing certain puzzles, such as the bibberbang mushroom field in the Underdark.
18 Spiritual Weapon
An Early Game Force Multiplier
- Spell Level: 2
- Spell Type: Evocation
- Damage: 1d8+4 Force
For players running a Cleric like Shadowheart in their party, Spiritual Weapon will likely be their very first experience with a summoned construct, and the advantages of getting one of these out on the field as soon as combat starts will quickly become self-evident.
When a Cleric casts a Spiritual Weapon, they get the choice between summoning a Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Maul, Spear, or Trident on the field. The summoned weapon will be able to move independently, will have its own turn, initiative, health pool, and resistances, and the Cleric will be able to direct it to Move, Attack, and Fly. While Spiritual Weapons do increase in power as the caster levels up, they shine brightest during the early levels of Act 1.
Bards can also unlock the ability to summon a Spiritual Weapon via their class feature, Magical Secrets.
17 Flaming Sphere
Second Level Summon Useful In Early Game Combat
- Spell Level: 2
- Spell Type: Conjuration
- Damage: 2d6 fire
Flaming Sphere pretty much does what it says on the tin. Spellcasters can use this spell to summon a big flaming ball that casts light, damages nearby characters and objects, and can attack. As it is only conjured from a second-level spell, the damage output of the Flaming Sphere isn’t all that high, but it can still make for a nifty little summon.
This is especially true as, like with most summons, the spellcaster can move the sphere around. Players might not expect what is essentially a great big flaming rock to be able to reposition itself, but it most certainly can and can be utilized quite tactically as a result.
16 Sethan: Spiritual Greataxe
Powerful Item Version Of A Useful Early Game Summoning Spell
- Spell Level: 6
- Spell Type: Evocation
- Damage: 3d8+1 bludgeoning & spellcasting modifier in force damage
The level two cleric spell, Spiritual Weapon, is a surprisingly strong summoning spell, at least for the early game. Its effectiveness drops off as players grow in experience and skill, but there is a greataxe, available in Act Three, that revitalizes this spell and makes it powerful yet again. The very rare Sethan greataxe can be purchased (or stolen) from Ferg Drogher, the Sharran lookout that hangs around in Rivington, after convincing him to disclose his special wares.
Alongside being a powerful, hard-hitting weapon, Sethan grants players the ability to summon the Sethan: Spiritual Greataxe to aid in combat once per long rest, an incredibly souped-up version of Spiritual Weapon. On top of this powerful summon, Sethan also allows players to cast Reduce once per long rest.
15 Lump The Enlightened
A Trio Of Ogres To Help In Act One
- Level: 4
- Type: Giant
- HP: 67
- AC: 13
- Size: Large
- Initiative: +1
Lump, the unnaturally intelligent ogre, and his band of ogres are some of the more unique summons in the game. Players meet the trio in The Blighted Village and can persuade the ogres to fight for them. If successful, Lump will give the players a war horn, allowing them to be summoned.
While they can be incredibly powerful allies, they can only be summoned in outside areas in Act One. However, the group does have some powerful loot, notably Lump’s Headband Of Intellect, so it is worth calling them into a tough battle, letting them do all the work, and then finishing them off for the loot and experience.
14 Iron Flask
Summons A Spectator That Is Hostile To All Nearby Creatures
- Level: 5
- Type: Aberration
- HP: 118
- AC: 14
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +2
The Iron Flask can be found in the Zhentarim lockbox discovered in the gnoll cave. Throwing the Iron Flask releases the creature that is trapped inside, which just so happens to be a spectator. While this summon can be incredibly powerful in a fight, there are a few major drawbacks.
The first drawback is that it is a one-time use. After all, who’s going to volunteer to get the spectator back into the flask? The second issue is that the spectator is hostile to all nearby creatures…including the player and their party members.
13 Flesh
Flesh Is A Powerful, Albeit Temporary, Summon In The Gauntlet Of Shar
- Level: 7
- Type: Construct
- HP: 182
- AC: 11
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: -1
Flesh is a very powerful summon. Unfortunately, his utility is drastically reduced as he can only be summoned in the Gauntlet of Shar in Act Two. Players meet the necromancer, Balthazar, who wants their help retrieving an artifact.
Balthazar can be persuaded to give players a bell that summons his flesh golem brother, creatively named Flesh. Unfortunately, even if players leave the Gauntlet of Shar on good terms with Balthazar, it seems that Flesh was only a temporary loan.
12 Shadow Lantern Wraith
Useful For Players Who Favor Dark Magic
- Level: 5
- Type: Undead
- HP: 24
- AC: 13
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +3
Speaking of Balthazar, if Gale is in the party when players explore Balthazar’s workshop in Moonrise Towers, the wizard companion can turn a moon lantern into a shadow lantern. A very evil process, it allows players to summon another spooky buddy.
In this case, it is a Shadow. While the Shadow is a very powerful companion, they can only remain summoned if the lantern is equipped, making it a little awkward to summon at times. Despite this, the Shadow Wraith is well worth trying for players willing to do some dark magic.
11 Ice Mephits
Helpful Due To Their Strength In Numbers And Ice Attacks
- Level: 7
- Type: Elemental
- HP: 21
- AC: 11
- Size: Small
- Initiative: +1
“Conjure Minor Elemental” is a level four spell available to druids and wizards. Players can choose to summon an azer, two mud mephits, or two ice mephits. While they are all pretty useful, the ice mephits just about tip the scale, often being the most useful in combat.
This is thanks to both their numbers and their ice attacks, which can leave foes slipping over and landing prone. Regardless of which summon players prefer, “Conjure Minor Elemental” is a great conjuration spell to have in the tool belt.
10 Cambion
The Infernal Rapier Needed For The Summon Is Also Useful On Its Own
- Level: 10
- Type: Fiend
- HP: 82
- AC: 10
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +4
The level six spell available to high-level clerics, “Planar Ally,” allows the user to summon a creature from beyond the material plane. This includes the djinni and the deva, which are both very powerful in their own right.
The fiendish cambion gets its mention, however, due to a unique item obtainable by the warlock companion character, Wyll. Should Wyll successfully free his patron’s “devil asset” from the mindflayer colony at the end of Act Two, he will be rewarded with the Infernal Rapier, a powerful weapon that allows its user to cast “Planar Ally: Cambion” once per long rest.
9 Artistry of War
Beefed Up Magic Missile
- Spell Level: 5
- Spell Type: Evocation
- Damage: 12d6+6 Force
One of the strongest summons in all Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Artistry of War, a spell that can only be obtained in the form of a scroll locked behind a DC 15 Perception check in the Sorcerous Vault in Act 3. For everyone else, the Scroll of Artistry of War is just that, a one-time-use scroll. For Wizards, it’s a new spell they can add to their arsenal.
When cast, the Artistry of War allows the caster to throw six master strategists (constructs) towards a target. Each of these summons can be directed at a separate target (or the same one) and directed just like Magic Missile, dealing 8-18 Force Damage per hit. Which, combined, means that the caster has the ability to dish out 48-108 damage from a single level 5 spell slot. Additionally, since this attack works exactly like Magic Missile, in that it cannot miss, ensuring that whoever the Wizards aim these constructs at is going to have a bad time.
8 Us
Combines Strength With Narrative Depth
- Level: 1
- Type: Aberration
- HP: 55
- AC: 12
- Size: Small
- Initiative: +2
Familiars are helpful little creatures to have in Baldur’s Gate 3. The level one spell, ” Find Familiar” is a must-have, simply to add an extra body to the initiative. But some familiars can even have a lot of narrative depth to them.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Worst Character Endings, Ranked
The beauty of Baldur’s Gate 3’s branching narrative also means that many of the playable characters can be dealt some pretty miserable endings.
Honorable mentions must go to the dog Scratch, the cheeky quasit, Shovel, and, of course, Boo, the miniature giant space hamster, who is specific to the companion, Minsc. If players befriend the intellect devourer, Us, they can be summoned as a familiar towards the end of Act Two, proving to be another familiar with great narrative depth, as well as one of the strongest.
7 Bear (Ursa Igens)
The Bear Is Not Only Powerful But Can Summon An Additional Bear To The Fray
- Level: Variable
- Type: Beast
- HP: Variable
- AC: Variable
- Size: Large
- Initiative: +0
Continuing the animal summons theme – ranger characters get their own unique summon, an animal companion. Each time they summon this companion, they can choose what form it takes. To make that ranger/animal bond even stronger, the companion levels up alongside its ranger.
As with most entries, they all have their uses, but the bear is one of the most powerful, even able to summon another bear to join the fray. While rangers should consider experimenting with and mixing up their companion, as the different animals all level equally, the bear form may become a firm favorite.
6 Dryad
Does A High Amount Of Damage And Can Add Others Summons To The Battle
- Level: 6
- Type: Fey
- HP: 22
- AC: 13
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +2
The level four spell, ” Conjure Woodland Being,” allows its usually druidic caster to summon a dryad. For a level four spell, this is one powerful summon! Her attack does a surprising amount of damage, given her dainty little attacking sound, especially after using the bonus action, “Strengthened
On top of her use of powerful spells like “Spike Growth” and ” Entangle,” her ability to add another summon to the battle (a wood woad), and her many powerful passive features, she isn’t a summon to be underestimated!
5 Deva
A Dedicated Single-Target DPS
- Level: 10
- Type: Celestial
- HP: 136
- AC: 21
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +4
The level 6 Conjuration spell, Planar Ally can summon three possible entities, and one of them is called Deva, a winged humanoid creature with access to the Paladin skill, Wrathful Smite. Deva is a DPS-focused summon that exclusively deals single-target damage using Wrathful Smite and Concussive Smash. It also gets access to Revivify, allowing it to help revive allies who have succumbed to death.
It’s possible to summon a Deva using the Scroll of Bestial Communion Scroll found in a hidden area of the Sorcerous Sunderies in Act 3. A wizard can learn the spell permanently from the scroll. There is no difference in stats between the Deva summoned by Sights of the Seelie: Summon Deva and the one summoned by Planar Ally.
4 Djinni
Excellent At Area Control And Disrupting Enemies
- Level: 10
- Type: Elemental
- HP: 161
- AC: 19
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +2
Djinni is one of the three possible summons that can be conjured by using the level 6 spell, Planar Ally. An extremely powerful ally, the Djinni is best at controlling enemy units. It has four special abilities and spells. It gets the ability to cast Thunderwave without expending a spell slot, allowing it to knock enemies prone in groups. Drunken Inhale is an AoE control ability that inflicts the Intoxicated status effect on enemies who fail a Constitution save. Sweetplum Gales is a nightmare for spellcasters to deal with, forcing anyone who fails a STR save to be rooted in place and unable to move. Finally, Shifting Winds works exactly like Misty Step, allowing the Djinni to teleport on command.
3 Fire Myrmidon
Attacks Can Chip Away At Enemy Health Bars
- Level: 11
- Type: Elemental
- HP: 123
- AC: 18
- Initiative: +8
As well as being a potential wild shape for some druids, these elementals can be summoned using a sixth-level version of the “Conjure Elemental” spell, a big sibling to the ” Conjure Minor Elemental” spell, and a huge leap in power. Players can choose their elemental from the four elements of air, water, earth, and fire, The Last Airbender style.
Each has its utility, but players may often find themselves coming back to the fire myrmidons. Like the other myrmidons, they can teleport as a bonus action each turn, but they can also hasten themselves, and their attacks eat away at an opponent’s health. It is also worth noting that slightly less powerful elementals can be summoned using the same spell at fifth level instead.
2 Guardian Of Faith
Can Inflict Massive Damage In A Short Amount Of Time
- Level: 7
- Type: Construct
- HP: 60
- AC: 20
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +0
Guardians of faith are powerful creatures, usually summoned by clerics casting a fourth-level spell of the same name. They protect the area in which they are summoned, attacking any creatures who enter the area or make an attack within the area. As stalwart guardians, they have a large pool of health but take a lot of damage each time they attack.

10 Best Dungeons And Dragons Creatures Included In Baldur’s Gate 3
Many of Dungeons and Dragons’ iconic creatures have made it into Larian’s Baldur’s Gate 3. These creatures delighted players when they appeared.
While this does mean they are usually killed almost as quickly as they are summoned, they do tremendous damage, making short work of enemies in the time that they act as guardians. For a sneaky bonus tip, they are formidable when paired with a “Globe of Invulnerability.
1 Danse Macabre Ghouls
Their Numbers And Ability To Paralyze Make Them Formidable
- Level: 3
- Type: Undead
- HP: 22
- AC: 12
- Size: Medium
- Initiative: +2
“Danse Macabre” is a very special fifth-level necromancy spell, which is unlocked by completing the “Unlock the Ancient Tome” quest and learning the secrets of the Necromancy of Thay. It had its glory days as a completely overpowered spell back when it used to summon six ghouls with much more health, each controlled by the player.
Now “Danse Macabre” summons four less beefy, AI-controlled ghouls. Despite this much-needed nerf, the ghouls are still extremely powerful summons, thanks to their overwhelming numbers and their ability to paralyze their targets.