Beginner Tips for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Key conclusions

  • Master advanced moves like Z Burst Dash and Super Counter to gain an edge in battle.
  • Strategically use character skills for game-changing buffs and effects in battles.
  • Focus on Ki management, charge Ki whenever possible, and don't just rely on Ultimate Attacks.

Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero's combat system is nothing short of phenomenal. The game is built on it Budokai Tenkaichi roots, refining every mechanic for a smoother, more polished experience. At first glance, its gameplay is accessible with simple controls that allow new players to quickly learn. However, beneath the surface lurks a whole catalog of advanced moves and combat mechanics that tend to go unnoticed by inexperienced players.


Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero – 8 strongest characters

Character Power in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is canon, and like the series, the roster has some very strong characters.

While basic attacks and techniques can help players get through the story mode and random matches, climbing the ranked ladder requires a deeper understanding of the game's strategies. Fortunately, for players looking to get into a quick workout, there are some important tips, moves, and strategies that beginners can learn to see immediate improvements in their gameplay.

1 Use Z Burst Dash to close the distance

An incredibly useful and easy move

A screenshot of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero showing how to perform the Z Burst Dash

Since the game has a lot of ranged attacks, it is often difficult for inexperienced players to close the distance with their opponents. Many players rely on spamming Ki bursts to keep enemies at a distance, making it difficult for opponents to get close enough to land melee hits. And without the ability to perform basic melee moves, some matchups can seem almost impossible to win.

The solution to this problem comes in the form of Z Burst Dash. Press R2 + X + X (on PlayStation) or RT + A + A (on Xbox), the player character instantly rushes towards the opponent and places themselves behind them. Not only is this move a quick and sure way to close the gap, but it also provides the perfect opening to start a combo against the enemy.

2 Use the super counter to break combos

The surest way to avoid hard combos

Nothing feels worse in Sparkling zero than getting into a relentless combo, especially when the opponent is Sparking! mode and attack from behind. Avoiding such combinations may seem impossible, but here it is Super counter will be needed.

While there are many other types of counters and evasion techniques in the game, such as the Z-Counter and the Revenge Counter, the Super Counter is the most versatile. This allows players to break any combo – even if the opponent is attacking from behind.

Executing this attack seems easy on paper as it only requires a tap from the player LS Up + Square (on PlayStation) or LS Up + X (on Xbox). However, it requires near-perfect timing, making it very challenging. But once players run out of time, they never have to worry about being in a combo again.

3 Use your character's skills

Skills give amazing buffs

Every character in the Sparkling zero has two unique skills that beginners often overlook in favor of flashy burst and rush attacks. However, when used strategically, these skills can be game-changers.


Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero is the 5 weakest characters to pick if you want to challenge

The roster in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is canonically balanced, meaning that the weakest characters in the series are the hardest to play.

Unlike traditional attacks, skills consume Skill points instead of Ki and offer many buffs such as healing, increased damage or even instant spark! activation. The key to maximizing their effect is to combine them with special attacks. For example, “Strength is Absolute!” Jiren. the skill greatly increases his explosive attack power. If activated before his Ultimate lands, it will destroy the opponent, turning the tide of the battle in seconds.

To familiarize yourself with the character's skills, enter the training mode with him, pause the game and go to the “Controls explained” menu.

4 Don't just focus on Ultimates

Special attacks are just as important

There is no denying that this is the most satisfying element Sparkling zero it's Final Attacks. Not only do they deal an insane amount of damage, but they also give players a chance to watch gorgeous animations. But for players looking to improve their game, it's important not to just focus on Ultimates.


Dragon Ball Sparking Zero: 6 iconic characters missing from the original roster

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero features an impressive cast of characters, although not all fan favorites made the original cut.

While Ultimate Attacks pack much more punch than regular Blast and Rush Attacks, they also use the most Ki. To top it all off, if the attack fails, the player's entire supply of Ki is wasted. Therefore, relying solely on Ultimate Attacks is not a smart strategy. Blast and Rush attacks can be just as, if not more, useful than Ultimate. And since they use less Ki, they can be dealt more often to even out the damage gap.

5 Charge Ki every chance you get

Ki is the most important factor in combat

Ki control is the main thing in this game. In battles where both players are equally adept at attacking, defending, and countering, the winner is almost always determined by superior Ki control. With more Ki at their disposal, players can perform more Z-Counters, land more special attacks, and maintain better agility throughout combat.

In order to get ahead of your opponent, it is very important to charge Ki whenever possible. The best times to do this are when the enemy is either thrown flying or sitting on the ground as they cannot interrupt the Ki charging process.

6 Don't overlook the super training regime

The best place to participate in the training arc

At the first launch of the players Sparkling zerothe game starts with a training battle against Vegeta. While this introductory section is useful for understanding the basic combat mechanics, it doesn't really delve into the more advanced techniques that are important to know at higher ranks.


Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero – Top 7 ability items

When the fight gets too intense, the ability items in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero can turn the tide of battle by providing many powerful buffs.

Here is where Super training mode shines It teaches the player every move in the game, making it a great way to learn and perfect advanced techniques. For players who want to improve their gameplay, it is necessary to start with Super Training.

7 Check out the alternate objectives to unlock new story paths

The easiest way to unlock What-If episodes.

For now Sparkling zero's the story mode may not be as elaborate as the previous one Budokai Tenkaichi game, its What If storylines are easily some of the best things ever featured in a Dragon ball game But even so, it's surprisingly difficult to figure out how to unlock them, especially for beginners.

The game clearly doesn't explain how to access these alternate paths, leaving players to figure it out on their own. Fortunately, the process is quite simple: during each story battle, pause the game, go to the Battle Details and check for Alternative target. Completing these tasks opens up branching paths that lead to wonderful non-canon storylines.

8 Farm Zeni to unlock new characters

The fastest way to unlock the entire list


One of the most interesting aspects Budokai Tenkaichi the series has always explored huge rosters, tried out different movesets, and marveled at Ultimate Attacks. But, unfortunately, in Sparkling zero, a large part of the list is locked at the beginning of the game.


Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero – best wishes Shenron, rating

Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero allows players to summon Shenron and grant five wishes, some more useful than others.

Fortunately, unlocking characters in this game is very easy. Many of these can be unlocked by going through the story mode or simply by leveling up, but the fastest way is to purchase them from the store. To do this, players need to farm Zeni, which is very easy in the game. The best strategy to farm Zeni is replay Super Saiyan Goku Awakens! an episode from the “Goku Battle Episode” saga. Each run only takes a minute or two and rewards 300,000 Zeni, allowing players to quickly unlock the entire roster.


October 11, 2024

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