An invisible domain extension with enormous potential in kaisen jujutsu

Key conclusions

  • An incomplete extension of Megumi Fusigura's domain, the Chimera Shadow Garden has the potential for immense power.
  • The undiscovered extension of Hanami's domain, the Shining Sea of ​​Growing Branches, remains a mystery in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
  • The invisible domain extension of Yuki Tsukumo, a sorcerer of a special rank, has disappointed fans with its potential power.

In the accursed world of gege akutami Jiu-jutsu Kaiseninnate technique simply known as Domain extension is without a doubt one of the most creative parts of her power system. Using the barrier, the most skilled sorcerers can create their own area where their cursed techniques are not only perfected, but they are also guaranteed to hit their opponents.


Jujutsu Kaisen: The Best Female Characters in the Series

Female characters can sometimes be left out in shonen anime, but Jiu Jutsu Kaisen does these women justice.

Not every witch or curse can use a domain extension, but those who can have proven to have unique and exciting ones. However, the series has its fair share of characters who have been confirmed to be able to use it, but never had the chance to do so. This is a shame because there is a lot of potential in their undiscovered barrier methods that they have never been able to fully realize.

5 Megumi Fusigura (Full Version)

Chimera Shadow Garden remained unfinished until the end

Megumi Fusigura uses a more powerful version of Chimera Shadow Garden against Reggie Star.

  • First appearance: Chapter 1 (manga) episode 1 (anime)

surprisingly Megumi Fusigura actually revealed his domain expansion during the death picture arc, and it's name is Chimera's Garden of Shadows. However, he immediately stated that it was incomplete and he still needed to master it before he could unlock the full potential of the technique.

Megumi used Chimera Shadow Garden a few more times, and his fight against Reggie Star was one of the most memorable uses of it. But the streak came to an end before he even got a chance to finish it. Even Ryōmen Sukuna was unable to complete this domain expansion when he possessed Megumi's body because he preferred to continue using his intruder shrine.

Chimera's incomplete Shadow Garden allowed Megumi to fill the area with shadows that he could use to summon multiple Shikigami at once. It's already a very useful domain extension, so the full version could be one of the most powerful in the entire series, especially if Megumi can use it with her strongest shikigami Mahoraga

4 Khanami

Gojo banished this cursed spirit before they had a chance to use it

Hanami tries to use her domain extension before being interrupted by Gojo.

  • First appearance: Chapter 10 (Manga) Episode 5 (Anime)

The four main Cursed Special Rank Spirits all had the ability to use Domain Expansion: Joga, Dagon, and Mahita all had really powerful Spirits, but unfortunately Khanami never had a chance to show their own domain extension before their demise. They attempted to use it against Yuji Itadora and Aoi Todo, but were interrupted by Satoru Gojo before it could be activated. The same sorcerer later banished them during the Shibuya Incident Arc.


Jujutsu Kaisen: 6 characters who can defeat Mahoraga

These JJK characters can defeat General Devine Mahoraga.

Hanami was a particularly strong cursed spirit that specialized in using flowers and plants to fight, so their domain expansion could be unique and powerful. What's particularly fascinating is that Gege Akutami described how he imagines it would work, and that description was later borrowed by the mobile game Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade, which shows Hanami as an enemy character who can use the domain extension. Its name is “Shining Sea of ​​Growing Branches” and it allows them to summon a beautiful field of flowers where their Sunbeam will always fall on their opponents. nevertheless Parade of phantoms is 100% non-canon extra material, so there's no way Hanami's Domain Expansion would work that way in the manga.

3 Ryu Ishigori

A powerful incarnate sorcerer with devastating powers

Ryu, Yuta, and Takako's barriers are destroyed at the same time.

  • First appearance: Chapter 173 (Manga)

Ryu Ishigori is a powerful sorcerer from 400 years ago who was incarnated into Kenjak to force him to participate in a game of bounce. In the middle of a group battle against Yuta Okotsu and Takako Uro, he summoned his domain expansion with them, but the simultaneous unstable barriers destroyed each other.

Later in the Culling Game, Ryu was killed by Sukuna before he could properly display his domain extension, leaving fans to wonder what it actually looked like and how it enhanced his innate cursed techniques, Cursed Energy Dispatch and Granite Blast.

Ryu was dedicated to strong raw power, as he could shoot beams of concentrated cursed energy from his cannon-shaped pompadour, though his main weakness was that these beams were relatively easy to avoid. As such, his undetected domain extension could be the most useful tool in his arsenal, especially when it allowed him to automatically hit anyone trapped with multiple hits of his devastating Granite Blast.

2 Takako Uro

A member of the Fujiwara clan with a stunning cursed technique

Takako Uro tries to use her domain extension at the same time as Yuta and Ryu.

  • First appearance: Chapter 173 (Manga)

Takako Uro was another mage incarnate who participated in the elimination games, and her domain expansion was also destroyed when she tried to use it at the same time as Yuta and Ryu. It's a shame, because Takako had some exciting powers, seeing as she was part of the Sun, Moon, and Star Squad of the mysterious Fujiwara Clan.


Kaisen Jiu-Jitsu: 6 Reasons It Should Get a Sequel or Spinoff

Here are some reasons why the Jujutsu Kaisen series deserves to be picked up or continued.

To top it all off, Takako's innate technique was one of the most creative in the series. This, simply known as Sky Manipulation, allows her to “capture” parts of the atmosphere as if it were an object that she can use to levitate, defend, and even attack opponents with a stunning attack called Thin Ice Breaker. Although Takako was not killed like Ryu Ishigori, she was never seen again after her failed attempt to use the domain extension. Considering how strange yet unique her cursed technique is, it's highly likely that her domain extension would be just as insane, not to mention that it would allow her to use Thin Ice Breaker without missing a beat.

1 Yuki Tsukumo

A domain extension with the potential to be on par with Gojo and Utah

Yuki teases Kenjaku in the anime.

  • First appearance: Chapter 50 (Manga) Episode 20 (Anime)

This is undoubtedly the most disappointing domain extension ever seen Jiu-jutsu Kaisenbecause Yuki Tsukumo was one of the four special class jujutsu witches, but she never managed to activate her ultimate technique before the end of the series. She did confirm that she could use the domain extension before the battle against Kenjaku, but was killed by the same villain before she could do so.

Considering that Gojo's Unlimited Void and Yuta's True Mutual Love are two of the most practical and powerful domain expansions in the series, it's safe to assume that Yuki was part of this prestigious group as well. As such, his exclusion from the manga was met with great disappointment by fans.

Yuki's Innate Cursed Technique, Star rageallows her to add virtual mass to herself and her personal shikigami, Garuda, to make all of her physical attacks stronger. Additionally, her domain expansion would likely allow her to add even more mass to herself and possibly even change the gravity of the captured area so that her opponents cannot move. Most fans hope that someday they will witness the expansion of Yuki's domain, especially if Gege Akutami decides to create another story in this world.

Jiu-jutsu Kaisen

Jiu-jutsu Kaisen



Gege Akutami

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